
How Will Austin's GF React To Him & Liz On 'BB'?

by Chelsea Mize

The end of Big Brother 17 is rapidly approaching us and that means one thing: it's almost time for us to return back to reality. No more stalking the Big Brother live feeds and no more reoccurring dreams about being in Big Brother house and planning your strategy (unless that's just me...). Though returning back to a BB-less reality might be a rough transition for us, I can only imagine what returning to the real world will be like for the houseguests, particularly for Austin, who will return to face his scorned ex-girlfriend. How will Austin's ex-girlfriend react to Austin's sexual relations with Liz?

As is the case with all important life questions, I have contemplated the possibilities of Austin's old girlfriend's reaction to his new girlfriend and will be exploring this conundrum via the expressive medium of the GIF.

Though leaving the Big Brother house will be an adjustment for all of the houseguests, Austin probably faces the worst experience upon his return to reality, what with dealing with his pre-BB relationship baggage with Jen and realizing that America hates him and his new beau. Austin really has his hands full transitioning back to reality and dealing with the wrath of his woman and audience scored. How his ex-GF will handle Austin's betrayal remains to be seen but if I had to guess, I would imagine it would go a little something like this.


First there will be a sense of shock. He's just acting. It's Judas who is participating in this showmance. It's all strategy. He's not even into Liz.


No. There's no way he's hooking up with her. I can't believe it. This makes no sense. He wrote Jen letters! He told her he loved her!

Ugly Crying

Then sets in the Kim K. tears. Rivulets of snot and salty drops of anguish run down Jen's face. Oh the betrayal.

White Hot Anger

Pure rage courses through Jen's veins. Austin had sex with her?! WITH HER?!?!?! How dare he? HE WILL BURN FOR THIS.

A Sense of Betrayal

Once the intense, passionate anger fades a bit, a sense of betrayal sets in. Austin cheated on national TV. He said sketchy things and made Jen seem like the bad guy. How dare he?! He owed it to her to at least be a decent human and be honest.

Plotting Revenge

With Austin inside the house and Jen outside of it, she has a distinct advantage. She could run to the press. She could schedule interviews. She could blow this sucker wide open! HE WILL RUE THE DAY HE CROSSED JEN AND CHEATED ON BIG BROTHER.

More Disbelief That Austin Can Stand Liz

Once Jen realizes that revenge, like a Skinny Vanilla Latte, is a beverage best served over ice, she cools down with her plotting and is hit by another wave of disbelief. Austin betrayed her for Liz?! He threw away everything they had for this petty mean girl? This girl who thinks Sigmund Freud is a circus?! This homegirl with the whiny voice?! AUSTINNN-UHHH, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS WITH LIZ?

Validation At Realizing How Much America Hates Austin

Though Jen tries to stay away from social media in the wake of Austin's bitter betrayal, she can't help but take a peek. Much to her glee, she realizes that America hates, nay, loathes Austin and Liz. The Twittersphere has her back! She will be avenged by the angry anonymous social media trolls of the world. America gets her! Her pain has not gone unnoticed!

Glee At Anticipating How Crushed His Ego Will Be When He Realizes America Hates Him

Austin is so into himself and thinks America loves him (and his relationship with Liz). I can only imagine Jen rubbing her hands together, eyes alit with glee as she thinks about the blow to his ego that Austin will suffer when he gets out and realizes that he is, in fact, America's least favorite houseguest.

Ambivalence & Apathy

At a certain point, Jen just DGAF about Austin. He's a tool with a fugly ponytail beard. Have fun getting dumped by Liz when she gets out of the house.

Moving On

Jen forgets about Austin. She cannonballs into the dating pool and finds love with a man with a clean-shaven chin. She lives happily ever after. Byeeeee Austin.

Things change so quickly in the Big Brother house, it can be hard to keep up. To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.

Images: CBS; Giphy (11)