By now, you should know that Pitch Perfect 2 is aca-awesome. (Yes, I went there, and, yes, there I will stay.) Seriously, what could be better than Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Elizabeth Banks teaming up to serve us some a capella goodness and two hours of hilarious ladies? Um, nothing. And, I'm not the only one who thought so. Pitch Perfect 2 beat out male-driven action flick Mad Max: Fury Road at the box office in its opening weekend in May, and continued to dominate the box office into the summer. Months later, Pitch Perfect 2 is available for digital download on iTunes and Amazon, but it sadly won't be released on DVD until Sept. 22, and who knows when, or even if, it will ever come to Netflix. But clearly, it should. And here are the top 10 reasons why Pitch Perfect 2 on Netflix will change your life.
The success of Pitch Perfect 2 proved that smart, female-driven films can bring in the big bucks (and plenty of female viewers), and many are hoping that it will help bring about a change in the Hollywood boys' club that currently exists. Yet even if the movie doesn't immediately switch things up, it has already made a noticeable difference. For starters, Universal Pictures gave the green light to a Pitch Perfect 3 , with Kendrick, Wilson and Pitch Perfect newbie Hailee Steinfeld returning. It's not everything, and there's no word yet on whether Banks will be back in the director's chair, but it sure is something. Before the third movie arrives, keep your fingers crossed for Pitch Perfect 2 's arrival on Netflix (fall 2016, perhaps?), because as the reasons for its arrival below state, it's high time it finally makes an appearance.
1. Fat Amy's Vagina
Let's start with the vagina in the room. OK, so we don't actually see anything not PG-13, but it's Fat Amy (as played by Rebel Wilson) who starts off the entire movie by accidentally flashing POTUS during an elaborate performance of "Wrecking Ball." Though the nudity almost costs the Barden Bellas everything, Fat Amy refuses to apologize for any part of her anatomy, thus imparting (female) audiences with this important lesson: embrace your private parts. Or, you know, laugh at them. Whatever. Either way, Fat Amy's wardrobe malfunction is something you need in your life.
2. Aca-Sing-Along
If there's one thing you can't do in a movie theater, it's sing along. (Seriously, if you are doing that at a screening other than a special sing-along event, please stop.) You don't have to be a singer to belt the lyrics in the privacy of your own home, or bedroom, or wherever you watch Netflix. Sometimes, you just need to sing it out, and what better way to do that than with the Barden Bellas?
3. Fat Amy And Bumper Will Give You #RelationshipGoals
Sure, Beca and Jesse are cute, but Fat Amy and Bumper (Adam DeVine) are epic. Their love may not be pure and innocent, but it sure is...something. And their duet of "We Belong" will go down as one of the most hilarious and disturbingly romantic duets in film history. Your life can only be bettered by being able to watch that scene over and over, wherever you want, whenever you want.
4. Hailee Steinfeld
Hailee Steinfeld was a star long before Pitch Perfect 2, but as the fantastically aca-awkward/aca-adorable Emily Junk, she proved she could hold her own against scene stealers Wilson and Kendrick. If nothing else, her awkwardness will definitely make you feel better for all those times you have said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
5. Das Sound Machine
German a capella group, Das Sound Machine, enter the world of Pitch Perfect as rivals for the Barden Bellas, and boy are they a hoot. Sure, you don't need Netflix to experience the music of Das Sound Machine, but with their thick accents and insanely precise choreography, it's way more fun to watch them do their thing on-screen.
6. The Barden Bellas Will Give You #SquadGoals
Need a healthy dose of female friendship and empowerment? Look no further than Pitch Perfect 2. Forget posing with Taylor Swift on the red carpet — the only squad I want to belong to is the one that goes to the woods for bonding camp activities and sings "Cups" around a campfire.
7. #BecaEffinMitchell
Beca Effin' Mitchell rocks my socks, and I want her in my life always and forever. K? bye.
8. The Riff-Off
There is little more glorious than a Pitch Perfect riff-off. And, unfortunately, it's just not the same to listen to it from the soundtrack without actually being able to see Fat Amy go toe-to-toe with Das Sound Machine's Pieter. Not to mention the Green Bay Packers.
9. The Aca-Drinking Games
Pitch Perfect 2 is begging to be a drinking game, whether it be drink every time Benji does a magic trick, or Jesse is too adorable to be real, or, obviously, any time someone makes an aca-pun. (Added bonus: a little liquid courage can only improve your sing-along. Trust me.)
10. Fat Amy, Chloe, Stacie, Lilly, Cynthia Rose, Flo, Aubrey, Beca & Emily
The Barden Bellas are probably the most beautifully diverse group of girlfriends shown on-screen (at least in a major motion picture). Even if you don't look exactly like one of them, or identify with any one character, odds are, you'll be able to find a little bit of yourself in all of them. That's what makes the Barden Bellas and Pitch Perfect 2 so unique and freeing.
So, come on, Netflix, don't be shy! Don't you want to help girls feel empowered and represented on-screen?
Images: Universal Pictures; Giphy (10)