Cassandra & Justin On 'BIP' Are The Cutest

The dramatic season of ABC's Bachelor in Paradise is almost done, and just as we are ready to all stick a fork into this sun-kissed reality competition, two cast members have seemingly coupled up in a way she could make every shippers heart soar. I'm talking, of course, about Bachelor in Paradise stars Cassandra Ferguson and Justin Reich. After a failed attempt at clinching a date with Samantha Steffen — and some acerbic words from Jaclyn Swartz — single father, Justin, found some sparks with new arrival, Cassandra. In what could be described as a meet cute worthy of cinema, these two went on a date where they rode horseback on the beach and bonded over parenthood. After the date I found myself believing that Cassandra and Justin should totally stay together after Paradise.
My heart literally melted into a puddle all over my couch (I'll clean it up later), when Justin described the joys of being a father, and Cassandra teared up, saying, "I feel like everything you're saying..." before trailing off. Off-camera, fans were given an even greater helping of squees, when Cassandra said, "It's just really refreshing to hear someone say something you've been searching for forever." From there, the two continued to wax poetic on how awesome the other person was before sharing a passionate kiss on the beach that literally made me yell, "YAS!" at the television screen.
Can you picture if these two had been some of the first arrivals on BiP? OMG. The two have kept relatively mum on social media about their life after the show, and there's no way to know if they are still together after the finale. However, I submit that the two should stay together for a few reasons.
1. They Are Both Super Sweet
Seriously, I have yet to see a glimmer of anything other than joyful and squee-worthy in these two.
2. They Have Sizzling Chemistry
They literally sealed this point with a kiss.
3. They Both Appreciate & Understand Being A Single Parent
This fact definitely seemed to create a bond.
4. They Should See How Things Work After Paradise
They didn't have much time in Paradise, obviously, and this relationship deserved an outside exploration.
Reality romance FTW — amiright?
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC (4)