H&M's New Campaign Encourages Rule Breaking

H&M's newest video campaign, starring popular body positive model Tess Holliday, is taking a stand against fashion rules. In fact, the brand is encouraging you to break every fashion rule you've ever heard, except one: recycle your old clothing. The goal of H&M's "Close the Loop" campaign is to make fashion more sustainable by recycling your old clothes to make new clothes.
Rather than stocking their video with a bunch of size 2 models, H&M decided to feature true fashion rule breakers. Tess Holliday, who has been making headlines for her recent spreads in PEOPLE and Vanity Fair Italy, is joined by a variety of other characters, including Iggy Pop, a model with unshaved underarms, and even an older shirtless man. The short film does a great job of showing that everyone should just be themselves and that fashion should be fun.
The narrator calls out old school style rules like "wear brown shoes after six," "wear a short skirt after 40," "show your panty line" and after listing probably 50 traditional rules, they end the video with "There are no rules in fashion, but one. Recycle your clothes."
Here are some of my favorite moments (read: rules I love breaking) from the video.
But first, check out Holliday!
1. Wear Short Skirts If You're A Man
Thank you, H&M, for pointing out that gender stereotypes are meant to be broken.
2. Dress Like A Girl
Because sometimes it's nice to have a reminder that you can wear whatever you want. If you like dressing super girly, dress like a girl. There's nothing wrong with that.
3. Mix Pink And Red
Pink and red look great together anyway, but we couldn't help but love this particular "rule" because it shows off our girl Holliday.
4. Be Liberated
This one just makes me happy. YOU DO YOU.
5. Look Chic (And Look Sheikh)
Let's embrace all cultures and their clothing. Fashion should be inclusive.
Images: Tess Holliday/Instagram, H&M/YouTube (6)