'Big Brother' Made 2 Double Evictions A Trend

Julie Chen loves to tease us about the twists and turns on Big Brother, but 17 seasons later, there are some things that I just wouldn't consider to be a twist anymore. One of these is the Big Brother double eviction. Fans have come to expect this every single season, and at this point, I think we all even expect it to happen twice. But am I just assuming this to be a fact or are there always two double evictions on Big Brother ?
A double eviction is when two people are sent home within the same week or night on Big Brother. It became a staple of the CBS reality series when it was introduced on Big Brother 5, with the exception of Season 9, when the contestants competed in pairs and were originally eliminated two at a time. The twist was essentially the opposite here, with contestants being thrown off by the switch from double to single eliminations.
The only other season to buck the double eviction tradition was Big Brother 11. There was a planned double eviction, but houseguest Chima Simone was expelled for breaking rules on a continual basis, such as not wearing a microphone or reporting to the Diary Room when called, as shown in the video below. Since her expulsion threw off the season's schedule, a double eviction did not happen to make sure the elimination schedule was on track.
Now, back to the tradition of two double evictions. Big Brother Seasons 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, and 16 all had two, and this season's second is set to happen on Thursday, Sept. 3. That leaves Seasons 10 and 12 as the only editions of Big Brother that had just one double eviction.
Still for the past five years, two double evictions per season seem to be the norm of what to expect. Of course, Julie Chen always tells us to "expect the unexpected," so while Big Brother 17 is sticking to two double evictions, you never know what could happen next year.
For more on this season of Big Brother, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room.
Image: CBS