We Should Be Reunited With 'Terra's Little Family'

It's been a season of doctor visits, wedding planning, and lots of love, but all of that has only been building up to the piece de resistance of Season 1 of Little Women: Terra's Little Family : the wedding of Terra Jole and Joe Gnoffo. We finally get to see Terra and Joe tie the knot at their gorgeous June 21 wedding in Oswego, Illinois. Unfortunately, this new beginning for the couple and their baby daughter Penny also marks the end of Season 1 of this show. So, will there be another season of Terra's Little Family after Wednesday's finale?
Well, a second season isn't guaranteed. Lifetime has yet to announce that it has renewed the series, so there's no way of knowing its fate for sure right now.
However, the odds are that Terra, Joe, and Penny will be on our TV screens again before we know it. The show's ratings dropped slightly after its two-month hiatus from the end of May until the end of July but not by much, so there's likely enough audience interest for it to return. Terra also recently tweeted that she hopes her show comes back soon in response to a fan who asked when the new season of Terra's Little Family will begin. It sure sounds like Terra has faith that the show will be back, and that's all I need to be a believer, too.
Hopefully, we'll be hearing about some renewal news for Terra's Little Family any day now, because TV just isn't as fun when I don't get to see Penny's cute-as-a-button face every Wednesday night. And I just don't know what I would do if I didn't get an update on this family every so often. Another season of Terra's Little Family might not feature such a major life event as a wedding, but it could always include another birth (eh, Terra and Joe?) or one of these many lovely and exciting experiences Terra's family has gone through since filming on Season 1 ended.
They Went To Hawaii
Penny (and probably her parents, too) jetted off to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago. It looks like this might have been part of some sort of birthday celebration for Joe, or it's also possible it could have been a late honeymoon for him and Terra. Whatever the reason, the island life definitely suits Penny, and if I have to live out my dream vacation vicariously through her, so be it.
Terra Laid Down Some New Tracks
In the midst of having a baby and planning a wedding, Terra still somehow managed to pursue her music career. This photo of a musician recording some music for her new album was taken a couple of months ago, which hopefully means new music from "Booty Bee" herself will be on the way soon.
Penny Has A New Best Friend
The dog of Terra's Little Women: LA cast mate Elena Gant seems to have taken a liking to Penny. Who could blame him?
And Grew Up So Fast
Knowing how glam Terra is, I have no doubt that Penny will be just as fierce, if not more so. But I wasn't really expecting that to look like this — or for it to happen so soon. Penny has lipstick all over her face in this photo, which made Terra joke on Instagram that she's already starting to wear makeup. Of course, the lipstick is from all of the kisses Penny has received and not because Terra has been busy transforming her into a beauty queen just yet. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing what Penny wears on Terra's Little Family in the future.
Penny Is Always On The Go
When you've got places to go and people to see like Penny does, you're always in some new form of transportation. Penny is only five months old, and already she's been in cars, planes, and now a pedicab. Where will Penny go next — and how will she get there? I can't wait to find out.
Images: Patrick Eccelsine, Richard Knapp/Lifetime