Have you seen Toy Story, WALL-E, and Brave at least a dozen times each? Did you go see Inside Out on opening night? Is your ringtone still "You've Got A Friend In Me"? Then you probably consider yourself quite the Pixar aficionado. However, shouting "to infinity and beyond" at random intervals does not a true Pixar fan make, my friends. It is time to put your knowledge to the test. Below, you will find 11 Pixar quotes, none of which involve catchphrases. Your mission, if you should choose to accept it, is to finish each quote in order to earn eternal bragging rights with your friends.
I'm digging deep here, people — like, I'm talking A Bug's Life deep. This quiz will bypass the common knowledge quotes ("just keep swimming") and go straight for the meatier quotes that only diehard Pixar fans will know. The missing word or words from each quote can be found at the bottom of the post, but be warned — if you Google, Sulley will pop out of your closest to scare you tonight (probably), because cheating is just not the Pixar way. (And yes, this is a multiple choice test, so pencils at the ready!)
Are you ready to see if you can finish Merida's sentences? Then start thinking Pixar and get to work.
1. "I Never Look Back, Darling! It Distracts From The ___." — The Incredibles
A. ViewB. NowC. FutureD. Show
2. "You're Wrong, ____. Ants Are Not Meant To Serve Grasshoppers." — A Bug's Life
A. FlikB. DotC. HarryD. Hopper
3. "In The Past, I Have Made No Secret Of My Disdain For Chef Gusteau's Famous Motto, '______.'" — Ratatouille
A. You Can CookB. Food Is LoveC. Anyone Can CookD. Life Is Food
4. "I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, _____ is not an idea we promote on my planet." — Toy Story
A. VengeanceB. AngerC. RevengeD. Retaliation
5. "Our ___ lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it." — Brave
A. FateB. DestinyC. FutureD. Freedom
6. "Take her to ____ for me, Joy." — Inside Out
A. The StarsB. The MoonC. The SunD. The Clouds
7. "Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him. Not much fun for little ____." — Finding Nemo
A. NemoB. Groucho C. ZeppoD. Harpo
8. "You'd better get up, Russell. Or else, the ____ will come and eat you." — Up
A. CoyotesB. OstrichesC. HyenasD. Tigers
9. "Wreck? Shoot! I'm the world's best _____ driver! Just watch this right here, lover boy." — Cars
A. BackwardsB. StuntC. Race carD. Fast
10. "No, I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to be honest, just hear me out. You and I are ____. Nothing is more important than our friendship." — Monsters Inc.
A. A DuoB. Best FriendsC. A TeamD. Forever
11. "This is called farming! You kids are gonna grow all kinds of plants! Vegetable plants, ____ plants." — WALL E
A. FruitB. BurgerC. CandyD. Pizza
1) "I never look back, Darling! It distracts from the now. (B)
2) "You're wrong, Hopper. Ants were never meant to serve grasshoppers." (D);
3) "In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Che Gusteau's famous motto, 'Anyone can cook.'" (C)
4) "I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet." (C)
5) "Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it." (A)
6) "Take her to the moon for me, Joy." (B)
7) "Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him. Not much fun for little Harpo." (D)
8) "You'd better get up, Russell. Or else, the tigers will come and eat you." (D)
9) "Wreck? Shoot! I'm the world's best backwards driver! Just watch this right here, lover boy." (A)
10) "No, I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to be honest, just hear me out. You and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship." (C)
11) "This is called farming! You kids are gonna grow all kinds of plants! Vegetable plants, pizza plants." (D)
If you got more than six answers correct then you are a certified Pixar super-fan. You might actually know more about the studio's movies than John Lasseter does. Congratulations, you truly are a Pixar savant.
Images: Pixar Animation Studios; Giphy (12)