Do you remember where you were the day Kris Jenner and Jennifer Lawrence ended up in bed together? You know what I'm talking about. That photo the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star shared on Instagram featuring The Hunger Games actress? Well, ever since it made headlines, many have been wondering just how Lawrence and Jenner met. Have they been friends forever and no one knew? Did they meet through someone famous? Are they filming a reality show together? No, no, and no. Lawrence shared how she met Jenner — finally!
While chatting with New York Times reporter Brooks Barnes, the 25-year-old revealed the story of how she met the famous momager. Funnily enough, it all had to do with a birthday surprise. Lawrence said,
My two best friends planned a surprise birthday party with a big surprise within the surprise. So, I’m there, and people start singing "Happy Birthday." Kris Jenner comes out holding my cake, which is a pile of sh*t, with a sign that says "Happy Birthday You Pile of Sh*t."
Well, that explains Jenner's caption accompanying the photo.
The moment was so life-changing for Lawrence that she did something she does best: She fell. For real:
My knees buckled. I fell. Seriously! It was the closest I’ve ever come to losing consciousness. I had NO IDEA. I’d never met her before, but we’ve always watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
She added, "Kris Jenner and I sang 'Build Me Up Buttercup' on karaoke and took that picture."
If anyone could share a video of these two singing karaoke, well, I'd greatly appreciate it.
There you have it. That's how they met. However, I'm still wondering who contacted Jenner and how she reacted to the odd request. Anyways, Jenner made Lawrence's birthday wish come true. I don't think anything will ever top her 25th birthday, which, apparently, got her to reenact this famous move:
Images: Kris Jenner/Instagram; Giphy