8 Last Lines In Books Worthy Of A Tattoo

The end of a good book is hard enough for authors to write, but often even harder for readers to accept. Letting go of characters and a world you've come to love can put you into a book hangover. I totally get it. Sometimes, though, a beautiful ending line leaves you with a sense of closure, an uplifting feeling, and the desire to run out and shove this book into your BFF's hands. If that ending line is really done right, you'll remember those words forever — maybe it'll even become your favorite quote.
But then the question becomes how to really honor it? How to make sure you never forget it? I say you should put it on your body permanently as a tattoo. We already know that literary text tattoos are a great idea, so putting your favorite last line in ink is a great way to pay homage to those moving words that are deep in your heart.
I've found eight powerful last lines from some outstanding books that would make perfect tattoos (and I bet your own favorite last line would fit right in here perfectly, too). From the beloved J.K. Rowling to F. Scott Fitzgerald, here are some ideas for your next inked quote.
"I finally dared to hope."
Roxane Gay's inspiring last line from An Untamed State would make a beautiful tattoo along your forearm, or somewhere easily visible, to keep you hoping in the hardest of times. This book is dark, but Gay's strong message and writing makes this quote incredibly worthy of a tattoo, both in and out of context.
"Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper."
Even if you haven't read Memoirs of a Geisha yet, this quote applies to just about everyone. No matter what you're going through, remember that it'll pass. That might not be a good thing to hear when life is going pretty well, but this reminder will always keep you humbled for anything that comes your way.
"After all, tomorrow is another day."
Ah, the classic Gone with the Wind ending line. Tomorrow is open to a million possibilities ... like getting this tattoo in a beautiful font.
"In the meantime, she would just live."
This heartwarming quote from P.S. I Love You will inspire you not only to live every day to the fullest, but also to keep your heart and mind open. This line is for the people who've been through heartbreak and back, who've lost and gained, and most of all, who just wish to live.
"A last note from your narrator. I am haunted by humans."
This one is for the big fans of The Book Thief, a book so amazing you've probably reread it more than any other book. Or, maybe that's just me. This ending line sums up the entirety of this novel, showing just how much humans are capable of — both good and evil, and everything in between.
"Isn't it pretty to think so?"
This ending line from The Sun Also Rises will remind you in a tattoo form to put a pause on the daydreaming and leave the past in the past. Focus on what's ahead of you; don't dwell on what won't happen.
"All was well."
You, or someone you know, probably already has this as a tattoo. But why should that stop you? This line changed a generation, and still does.
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
The Great Gatsby taught you quite a few things about life, and one of the most prominent lessons was the struggle to continue on while leaving your past behind. This last line is one of my absolute favorites. It makes a great tattoo if you're a Fitzgerald fan, or just someone who loves beautiful words full of meaning.
Images: Steffany; ROBERT HUFFSTUTTER; Kelly Garbato; Razi Marysol Machay; Leslie E-B; Gary Polski; Dan Taylor; Thalita Carvalho; motiqua/flickr; Giphy (1)