Remembering to take your birth control pill at the same time every day is a challenge already. Personally, I have Bedsider.org text me every day at 8 a.m. so I remember to take my pill. (Bedsider is an organization that promotes contraceptives and women's health.) But other than my cute little text from them, which I receive as I get ready for the day (or, rather, when I frantically roll out of bed), there's not much thrill in waking up and taking a pill every morning. All that is about to change, though, because these birth control pill pack holders will give you a little something to smile about when you reach into your bag/dresser drawer/locked metal box/who-knows-what to grab your pill.
Because now you aren't just taking a pill. You're taking a pill in ~style~. There's also something to be said for subtlety, which these can definitely help with. I used to take my pill at night, and if I was at a bar on Friday night at 9 p.m., taking my pill was a little bizarre. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with people knowing I'm on the pill, but rather, that I don't really want to be caught pill poppin' at a bar. That's just, like, not the vibe I'm trying to give off. Here are 11 adorable pill pack holders you can find on Etsy that will make you look like a cool cat no matter what time of day:
1. Pop-Tart Pill Pack Holder
Delicious, fun, and very discreet. Though people might wonder why you have a Pop-Tart in your purse.
2. Minivan Prevention Kit
If you'd like to take your pill with a small dose of sarcasm.
3. Wise Words Holder
Alternately, you can take your pill with a bracing reality check.
4. Hawaiian Princess Holder
~fAnCy FuN cOoL~
5. Napping Hedgehog Holder
I'm sorry, but this is quite honestly the cutest effing thing I've ever seen in my life.
6. Panda Bear Holder
Some people have a huge thing about pandas, and while I'm not one of those people, if you are, far be it from me to dissuade you from buying.
7. Emoji Holder
If you want to be the most millennial pill popper in the world.
8. Chevron Holder
Chic, and could fit subtly in the back pocket of your jeans.
9. Owl Case
Look at those huuuuuge eyes starring back at you. The dream of any pill pack is to snuggle up in here.
10. Shrooms Pill Holder
For the drug enthusiasts, or the truffle enthusiasts.
11. Denim Hearts Case
I mean, this could practically BLEND with your jeans. And who doesn't like a good hearts pattern?
Images: Etsy