When it comes to murder, mayhem, and mystery (and maybe a little bit of cleaning), no series does it better than Lifetime's Devious Maids . Not only is it made up of an exceptional cast, but the show itself is filled with intriguing plot twists that keep you coming back for more. Which is why I'm anxious to find out whether or not Devious Maids will get renewed for Season 4. Granted, I may be jumping the gun here a little bit, but with the Season 3 finale episode "Anatomy of a Murder" just hours away from airing, I'm desperate for some reassurance that this won't be our final hour of maid-centric madness. Lifetime hasn't announced its decision one way or the other thus far, but if I were you, I wouldn't start worrying too much just yet. Update: Lifetime announced in a Sept. 24 press release that Devious Maids has been renewed for a 10-episode fourth season.
If we look at last year as an indicator, the series wasn't picked up for a third season until late in September, which means we have well over a month before we reach that particular barrier. So if October rolls around and we still haven't heard anything, then maybe we should start feeling a little more concerned. But until then, I'm choosing to use this fact as a security blanket of sorts. (Hey, I'll take any piece of hope I can get right now, you guys.)
Though it's true that Devious Maids hasn't done as well in the ratings department compared to prior seasons, but given how great both the writing and acting have continued to be, I think Lifetime would be able to look past a slight viewership dip, especially since the network doesn't have that many scripted dramas, so they may be looking to keep it around for a while. (Fingers crossed!)
Then there's the fact that there's just so much story left to tell. Now that we're about to discover who Blanca's actual killer is, I'm sure there's bound to be some sort of fallout from the big reveal. Plus, it'd just be downright cruel to deprive me of any future drama that could potentially unfold in future seasons. And given these women's penchant for getting into trouble, I'd say we've only just scratched the surface of their devious antics. So do the right thing, Lifetime. We need more Devious Maids in our lives.
Images: Annette Brown/Lifetime (2)