Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Kanye West and More Insane Backstage Requests
We couldn't be more excited that Britney Spears will be taking up residency in Las Vegas for a two year performing contract. We also couldn't be more astonished at the tall order of things Brit demands while on tour. Sure, she's the Queen of Pop (that's her, right?) and should get everything her heart desires, but this list of her backstage request has our mouths agape. From the "Perfume" singer to Lady Gaga, see these performers most insane requests.
Britney Spears
According to this list of items Brit Brit requests backstage, she has the culinary preferences of a fourth grader. (But who are we kidding, so do we.) She requires: Froot Loops, Pop-Tarts, Cap’n Crunch, Gatorade, Doritos, Potato Salad, In-N-Out cheeseburgers (without the buns), A life coach on call 24/7, and 200 (!!!) fresh towels.
Van Halen
The logic behind Van Halen’s infamous backstage request is really quite mind-boggling. Chocolate is brown, so why the rock band demands “NO brown M&M’s” be served backstage, is really just fascinating. Apparently the real reason behind the odd request, is more of a test to their venue: If there are brown M&M’S in their dressing room, something they outlined in their contract as unexceptable, it’s an indication that other things might not be up to par, like the technical specs outlined in their contract. Touché, Van Halen.
Jennifer Lopez
Apparently, Jennifer Lopez is the queen of all things white. Her dressing room requests include: white roses and white lillies, set on white tables with white tablecloths. The room itself should be white, with white drapes, white candles, and white couches. Also, she likes an assortment of current tunes at her disposal, and while she likes juice, no tomato, apple or grape juices should be served.
Lady Gaga
OK. Brace yourself for this one. Outside of the usual oddball requests, this artist has a very, very interesting request, and thanks to a document that leaked online, we know just what Gaga requires: A mannequin with “pink puffy pubic hair.” Yep, it’s worse than you thought. Take a moment to digest that one.
Iggy Pop
The document that contains Pop’s requests for his backstage rooms was written by his roadie Jos Grain. So I’d like to personally thank Grain, for offering us the most hilariously worded request list we are sure to lay eyes on. The rider includes, “A Bob Hope impersonator,” and ”a copy of USA Today that’s got a story about morbidly obese people in it.” Also, Pop’s dressing room should not look like a typical rock star’s dressing room. He suggests, “just let someone loose with a little bit of artistic flair…Er, do you know any homosexuals?” Describing the want of two heavy duty fans, he writes, “So that I can wear a scarf and pretend to be in a Bon Jovi video.” CLASSIC.
Technically, your iPhone, your macbook keyboard, and the walls next to your toilet have a shit ton (sorry) more germs than an actual toilet seat. This doesn’t stop Madonna from requesting brand new toilet seats for every touring location she attends. Madonna gets what Madonna wants!
Marilyn Manson
Is anything Manson requests really going to surprise us? Well, maybe not. But his demand for a toothless, bald hooker (we wish we were kidding) is almost jaw-dropping.
Motley Crue
What do you get to deal with when Motley Crue performs at your venue? Well, they’ll need a 12-foot boa constrictor, for one. They need jars of creamy peanut butter, a schedule for local Alcoholics’ Anonymous meetings (responsible), machine guns (not so responsible), and a jar of Grey Poupon mustard (it goes great with the peanut butter).
Kanye West
Mr. West’s requests are sort of strange, but just kind of. He asks for imported and recut Versace towels (we would expect nothing less), and a chauffer who wears head to toe cotton (no man made materials are acceptable).