Who Made 'The Voice' Finale?

Tuesday night's results episode of The Voice gave us four performances from competitors of seasons past (woo), but zero Instant Saves (boo). We could tweet "#voicesave" as hard as we wanted, but it was futile. As soon as Carson Daly announced the results, that was that. You don't realize how much you appreciate the Instant Save until it's been ripped from your clammy paws. Next week, the final three will compete for The Voice title. Who made the finale? You're just going to have to wait like I did. Just kidding. You can scroll through if you're in a hurry.
Some Alumni Pay A Visit
The show opened with a performance from alumni the Swon Brothers. They did their charming, Swon Brothers thing. After their song, they told Carson they'll be playing a lot of swoncerts and all of the Swon-themed puns from that season came rushing back to me. I will laugh at a pun every single time.
Season four runner-up Michelle Chamuel performed. She sounded great. Well, duh. I expected nothing less. I've missed her. The uber-positive song itself wasn't exactly my bag, but I didn't care. I was just so happy to see her on The Voice stage again.
Do you remember Cassadee Pope? Of course you do. She won season three many moons ago. Or maybe it was about a year ago. Her voice remains incredible. She has such a unique, powerful sound. When she hits those serious notes? I cannot get enough. Carson and Blake Shelton announced that her single went gold. Good for her!
I've always really, really liked Danielle Bradbery. I was a huge fan of Michelle Chamuel, but I was totally cool with it when Danielle won season four. Her tone is just so RIGHT. She's perfect for country music. And whaddya know? Her album debuted at number one on the iTunes country charts. And HEY! Good for her, too! My connection cut out for a second, but when it came back, I was watching a Danielle Bradbery/2014 Winter Olympics promotional video. Okay? I mean, I'll take it.
Who's Going to the Finale?
Bear in mind, I was going to be upset if anyone was eliminated. And two people were going to be eliminated. So I was not a happy camper long before Carson made the announcements. Such a crappy cramper.
- The first name announced was the first contestant going home. And the name was… James Wolpert. Aw. Bummer. I was a frowny mess.
- The second name announced was the first contestant going to the finals. Oh. Okay. How am I supposed to keep anything straight? And the name was… Tessanne Chin. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was smiling!
- The third name announced was the second contestant going to the finals. What's the method to your madness, Carson? And the name was… Jacquie Lee. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I was smiling again!
- The fourth name announced was the third and last contestant going to the finals. Here we go. Brace yourselves. The name was… Will Champlin. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Still smiling.
- Crap. That means Cole Vosbury is out. Oh damn. My frown came back.
I haven't been entirely subtle about my love for Tessanne or Jacquie, so yes, I'm stoked they made the finale. Those ladies are top notch. And Will is a delight, so I'm super on board. BUT I ADORED COLE AND JAMES. Conflicting feelings are... conflicting. Anyway, I'm really excited for the finale. I'm going to root for everyone so hard.
Highlight of the night
During the confessional segment, the contestants and coaches broke down the song "The 12 Days of Christmas." Adam Levine did an impression of a swan. Just when you think "brunch in Adam's backyard" is the best thing you'll see all week, he does an impression of a goddamned swan.
Image: Tyler Golden/NBC