First-Grader Suspended For What?!

Hunter Yelton is a hopeless romantic. He has a girlfriend and likes kissing her on the cheek. Hunter is only 6 years old — and his school in Colorado isn't too happy with the pint-size Casanova. In fact, when Hunter bent over to kiss his beloved on her hand, the school suspended him and slammed a sexual harassment charge on his school record.
His mother, Jennifer Saunders, said that Lincoln School of Science and Technology's officials have gone too far. "This is taking it to an extreme that doesn't need to be met with a six-year-old. Now my son is asking questions. 'What is sex mommy?' That should not ever be said, sex. Not in a sentence with a six-year-old," she said.
Saunders said that her son has previously gotten into trouble for acting out in school, and was suspended before for kissing the same girl.
When interviewed by local news outlet KRDO , the little blond first-grader squirmed on his couch and explained, "Yes … I have a lot of energy. I mean six year olds. They have a lot of energy." Truth, Hunter!
Saunders wants the term "sexual harassment" cleared from Hunter's record, but school officials are standing firm. The charge stems from a policy that forbids unwanted touching, district superintendent Robin Gooldy said. "The focus needs to be on his behavior. We usually try to get the student to stop, but if it continues, we need to take action and it sometimes rises to the level of suspension," he said.
Last year, another first-grade student from Colorado was suspended for sexual harassment after repeatedly singing the lyrics "I'm sexy and I know it" from an LFMAO song and "shaking his booty" near a girl's face. And a few months ago, a 10-year-old girl was charged with rape after playing "doctor" with her friend in Houston.
If it all seems ridiculous, well, it probably is. Although kids should be reprimanded when they cross a line, isn't it a bit harsh to label them "sex offenders?"
Just take a look at some of the real issues of sexual harassment going on in the world. For example, how can a first-grader be subject to the same label as a New York teacher who was arrested — but is dodging jail time — for the rape of a 16-year-old, or the Montana teacher who served only one month for raping a 14-year-old girl?
Image via Flickr: woodleywonderworks, GifSoup