Ashley I. From 'BIP' Is Just Like Us

What's good, Bachelor Nation? It has been less than a month since Season 2 of Bachelor in Paradise premiered, but the popular Bachelor spinoff has already been delivering the goods as far as delectable reality television fodder goes. There have been sizzling connections, contentions, and plenty of tears. The cast member who has already garnered her place as the reigning queen of sobs is none other than our beloved Ashley Iaconetti, because duh. Ashely's beautifully mascaraed eyes were basically waterfalls during her turn on Chris Soules' Bachelor season, and little — i.e., nothing — has changed in that department thus far on BiP.
My reference to Ashley's histrionics is not meant as a criticism — far from it! If anything, Ashley is one of the realest, most genuine contestants the franchise has seen.
Who of us hasn't shed some serious tears over a crush? How many times have you found yourself plagued by awkwardness when sitting next to someone who semi resembles a character from Aladdin ? As one who spends a majority of her time behaving awkwardly, I've lost count. Ashley has proven time and time again that she is one contestant on BiP we can all relate to; to further cement this point, let's take a look at six times you were totally Ashley — because we've all been there.
1. When You Became An Awkward Clam Around Your Crush...
Were you feeling all the empathy in the world for Ashley when she sat anxious and tight-lipped by Jared Haibon the first night on BiP? I know I was. Infatuation can be the worst — amiright?? While I, personally, end up over-talking, giggling, and taking on a vocal inflection that parallels Minnie Mouse whilst conversing with a crush, I can also relate to involuntarily clamming up.
2. ...And Then Defaulted To The Topic Of Disney Princesses
When in doubt, speak about the fact that you consider yourself more of a Jasmine than a Cinderella. After being rendered mute by her amore for Jared, Ashely broke the ice by talking about how she totes is the main ingenue from Aladdin.
3. When You Became Self-Aware During A Fit Of Melodrama
Cue Ashley laughing in the middle of a quaking fit of sobs. Ashely's "laughing cry" — otherwise known as the epitome of reality TV gold — deftly characterizes those moments where we all catch ourselves being overly dramatic.
4. When You Were Legit Crying Over A Crush
Even though it may seem silly to an outside observer, infatuation is a potent elixir. It can make you feel the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows — all in the span of a single episode.
5. When You Had An Embarrassingly Petty Moment(s)
When the adonis known as Jared started showing affection toward cast members other than Ashley, our favorite teary-eyed star got a little petty. She called Clare and Tenley "old ladies" — which they are not — and even delighted in Clare's most recent freakout. I'm not condoning Ashley's sentiments, but we have all had moments of needing to insert our respective feet into our mouths after a moment of jealousy. It happens. Furthermore, Ashley retracted her statements during an appearance on After Paradise, explaining that the "old" comments were rooted in upset and insecurity.
6. When Your Crush Finally Came Around & Made Your Night
Am I the only one that stood up on her couch and exclaimed, "YAS!" when Jared finally came around and put the moves on Ashley. OMG. There is nary a more squee-inducing moment than having a person you have been pining after finally get wise to your awesomeness.
Thanks for bestowing us with your realness, Ashley. Never, ever change.
Images: Bob D'Amico/ABC; Giphy