If you're still reeling from the events of Tuesday night's Pretty Little Liars midseason finale, then at least take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in the struggle. Big A's shocking reveal was a roller coaster ride of emotions. But despite your mixed feelings about how the A game played out, you know deep down how much you still love this show and already can't wait for its epic return. And while the Season 6B premiere is unfortunately still ions away, fans of the series will be able to somewhat quench their Rosewood thirst during Sunday night's 2015 Teen Choice Awards for which the ABC Family hit is nominated in seven different categories. But don't start counting those awArd chickens before they hatch. When it comes to PLL 's potential Teen Choice wins, I'm afraid the competition is more fierce than it's ever been before.
You see, normally the series cleans house during this particular award show. PLL won six times last year alone, and the year before that, it swept the board, winning in every category it was nominated for. That's a pretty impressive track record. So what makes me think the odds are less in their favor this year? Well, it's simple really: Empire. Ever since FOX introduced its dynamite new series, viewers have become obsessed with it. And rightfully so. Those Cookie Lyon comebacks alone are well worth tuning in for, which makes Empire PLL's biggest competitor.
However, that's not to say that Rosewood's finest won't receive any victories throughout the evening. (A simply wouldn't stand for it.) Here are the categories that I think provide the best chance of seeing a PLL win:
Choice Summer TV Star: Female
Those who tuned in last year know that Ashley Benson took home the award for her role as the amazing Hanna Marin. So given that both she and Troian Bellisario (aka Spencer Hastings) are nominated this year, I'm 99.9 percent confident that one of these incredible stars will take home the prize. Plus, it doesn't hurt that this is one of the few categories that Empire plays no part in.
Choice Summer TV Star: Male
I mean, this one doesn't really need an explanation, right? When Tyler Blackburn gets nominated for something, he automatically has to win it. Those are just the rules of life. #Caleb4Eves
Choice TV: Villain
Empire and PLL do overlap on this one — with one nomination going to Terrence Howard (who plays Lucious Lyon) and the other going to A (now known as — spoiler alert — CeCe Drake). As much as I've enjoyed watching Howard's portrayal of Empire's villainous patriarch, I feel like the hype that's been centered around A this year has reached epic proportions and could be just enough to tilt the votes in this particular foe's favor. Or, you know, A just rigged the votes in order to win, because that too seems totally possible. Either way, I'd say this win is a slAm dunk.
For more PLL goodness, check out Bustle's podcast Take This One to the Grave below:
Images: Eric McCandless/ABC Family; Giphy (2); prettylittleliars/Tumblr