How Does Joe Even Know Samantha From 'BiP'?

On the latest installment of summer's only redeeming quality, Bachelor in Paradise, new Paradise-er Joe Bailey revealed to a producer that his picture-perfect date with Juelia was just a ruse so he'd make it until his true love, Samantha Steffen, arrived. So, do Bachelor In Paradise stars Joe Bailey and Samantha Steffen know each other? I mean, where did Joe's fascination with Chris Soules' most-forgettable contestant even come from? Joe definitely seemed to plot out a very specific plan on how to succeed in Paradise, which includes meeting up with Sam, even though there's no reason why he should believe so strongly that she'll even be there unless they've already met. But, they don't have to know one another super-well in order to have been in cahoots with this plan. All it takes is just having a brief conversation at a Bachelorette party or maybe the filming of a Men Tell All special for them to get a chance to plot this out. [Update: On Sunday's episode of Bachelor in Paradise , Joe confirmed he and Samantha had been talking for a month before the show.]
Sam hasn't confirmed anything, and seems to be ignoring the implication that she knew anyone in the cast before she arrived for filming (see below for her shocked Instagram message about Joe). But, obviously, she's costarred with some of them, so maybe what she means is that she wasn't in a relationship with anyone before the season. So, perhaps she's just trying to hang Joe out to dry because she's embarrassed she planned on hooking up with the guy who's becoming the villain of Bachelor in Paradise. The only way to find out is to deep dive into more Paradise and examine their relationship.
They Don't Follow One Another On Twitter
Joe only follows 140 people on Twitter, and Sam isn't even one of them. And, she follows more, 266, but no Joe. So, if they did have a secret relationship before the show, I guess it didn't start via Direct Messages.
Samantha Posted This Instagram
She certainly seems as shocked as the audience was to hear that she was going to "have babies" with Joe.
They Easily Could Have Met Before
While they haven't been photographed together on any red carpets, the whole big Bachelor family is always together.
But, There Have Been One-Sided Paradise Relationships Before
Remember AshLee & Graham? Or Cody Settler's singleminded pursuit of Clare (until she was with someone else)? Seriously, AshLee Fraizier managed to transform Instagram-stalking into almost lasting all the way through Paradise. Joe's plan could be very well only known to Joe.
Final Verdict: No Serious Relationship Here
While Joe and Samantha probably have met, it was more likely than not a brief, Bachelor-related event, not a secret love affair. They live in different cities (Joe is from Kentucky, Samantha from Indiana) and don't even follow one another on social media. If Joe Bailey and Samantha Steffen knew one another outside of Paradise, they managed to keep it very, very quiet. Unless someone tattles on their secret relationship, looks like their upcoming hookup on the next Paradise will be their first.
Images: Rick Rowell (2), Screenshot (1)/ABC; Giphy (2)