How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

We've all been there. You run your fingers through your tresses and the next thing you know, there's a handful of hair in your palms. If you're like most girls, you probably freak out a bit. Is losing hair normal, you cry to yourself, in a puddle of hair and tears. Take a deep breath, ladies, because in most cases, the answer is probably yes.
The average person loses anywhere between 60 and 100 strands of hair each day, but whether you're on the high or low side of that number is mostly genetic. Some people just lose more hair than others, but it's not necessarily a sign that you're sick or need to start using a strengthening conditioner. And depending on your hair texture, it might look like you're losing more than your best friend, but that could just be because you have long thick hair, and your BFF has short, thin hair.
However, aside from your basic, everyday genetic hair loss, you can lose hair because of stress, and not just the kind of stress you have when you have a particularly long week at the office—any stress on your body, from a fighting a fever to a bad diet, can cause hair loss, often happening weeks after the stressful life event occurred. But don't worry, resume your normal, healthy behaviors and your hair will get back on track as well.
Another myth about hair loss is that chemicals and heat styling will cause you to lose hair. This isn't necessarily true. While chemicals and heat do cause some structural protein damage, it's not going to cause your hair to fall out, but rather it can lead to breakage, which is a totally different thing.
So if you're worried about your current beauty routine and how it's affecting your hair, you can take some precautionary measures to ensure that your hair is in the best shape. Start by taking biotin supplements to help keep your mane thick and healthy, and deep condition weekly to help keep your hair smooth and less likely to tangle and break off.
If you continue to lose excessive amounts of hair for longer than three months, you may want to double check with a doctor. Often hair loss is a result of vitamin deficiencies, specifically iron, vitamin D and vitamin B12, or a hypo or hyperthyroid condition. Once you get those under control, your hair should be back in tip-top condition in no time.
Images: Unsplash/Pixabay (3)