What Clelli's Families Think Of The 'BB' Showmance

One week after Clay Honeycutt's eviction, fans are still talking about James breaking up Clay and Shelli's Big Brother 17 showmance. While all of the Clelli haters are jumping for joy, Clelli 'shippers are still in mourning, eager for their reunion. Before Clay left, the couple finally kissed, and they've got their first date on the horizon. Unlike Austin and Liz, whose showmance is likely a fauxmance no matter what Liz is now saying, Clay and Shelli are clearly the darling BB couple this season. What's less clear is how Clay and Shelli's families feel about their showmance. Are they excited about a Clelli reunion when the season ends?
Let's start with Shelli's family. Her BB17 Twitter handle is generally managed by her sister, Lori. She's definitely loyal to Shelli and supportive of anything that helps her sister's gameplay, but what about her thoughts on Clay? If Twitter's any indication, she seems to be on board. She's backed up Clay when people accused him of posting racist and homophobic tweets years ago (accusations that Clay has not responded too), and welcomed him on Twitter when he rejoined the real world. She certainly noticed that Shelli and Clay kept mementos of each other after his eviction.
Shelli has commented on how cute it would be if their mothers were Facebook friends, but where does Mrs. Poole stand? From the looks of it, she's an even bigger Clelli fan than Lori. She was an obvious supporter of Clay and Shelli's gameplay, and she has also tweeted repeatedly that she misses Clay since his eviction.
She has even retweeted fans' comments supporting Shelli and Clay.
Clay's family is quieter about how they feel, but I imagine that they're supportive, especially after Clay sacrificed his game to support Shelli. Although many of the Clelli haters assumed Clay or Shelli was playing the other, it's quite clear from Clay's exit interviews that he is committed to pursuing a relationship with Shelli in the real world. Clay's family certainly couldn't have been very surprised, considering he admitted in his interview with Jeff that he was open to any kind of showmance or real romance.
With the support of their families checked off the list, I'm sure both Clay and Shelli are eager to give this relationship a try outside of the Big Brother house. For more on this season's showmances, fauxmances, and more, check out Bustle's podcast The Diary Room below.
Image: CBS