We may be two weeks into August, but that doesn’t mean the summer is over yet. We still have plenty of time to hit up the beach, lounge by the pool, and get in one last (or first) summer fling. But where, oh where, does a New Yorker go to procure such a thing before summer’s end! Well according to the dating app, The Grade, rooftop pools and Prospect Park are the places to see and be seen.
For their latest survey, The Grade compiled information from 500 of their New York users and 100,000 swipes and asked them all, “Where will you be spending your weekends afternoons this summer?” From rooftop pools to parks to bars to Coney Island and the Highline, New Yorkers are pretty scattered all over Manhattan and Brooklyn every weekend, and many of them are looking a hot fling before Labor Day rolls around and it’s back to business as usual. Goodbye, summer dress and strappy sandals! We'll, see you next year.
But as the survey found, the top spot for the both men and women, at least the ones rated best looking by The Grade’s users, don’t exactly overlap. We really need to get them on the same page.
Looking for one last rendez-vous? Here’s where you’re going to find those good looking singles.
1. Women Looking For Flings Can Be Found At Rooftop Pools
If you have some clout of your own or a friend with some connections, you can probably get into any rooftop in New York City. Honestly, it’s not easy to secure those spots, because there are only so many lounge chairs. But no matter, 97 percent of women hanging out at rooftop pool are looking for a fling, and these women have also been graded A+, meaning they're killing it in the looks category.
However, despite this, women at these pools are only swiping right 62 percent of the time, so maybe a few more hot guys need to head on over to the pools this weekend.
2. The Best Looking Men Are At Prospect Park
According to The Grade, the A+ crew of gentlemen can be found at Prospect Park ― playing Frisbee with their dogs, I like to imagine. Of these guys, 96 percent are looking for fling, but they’re only swiping 19 percent of the time. Why? Because the best looking ladies are at the rooftop pools. Duh.
3. South Street Seaport Isn’t Doing Anyone Any Favors
Although South Street Seaport has its charm, when it comes to singles, it’s failing them miserable. For starters, the men get an F in looks, but 95 percent of them are looking for a fling; they’re also only swiping right seven percent of the time.
As far as the women hanging out down there, only 78 percent are looking for a fling and they’re only swiping right 49 percent of the time ― probably because the dudes are a total F, so there’s no real shocker there.
4. The Frying Pan Is Your Best Bet
For both men and women, The Frying Pan, the cute boat-restaurant-bar docked off Pier 66, is in second place for looks, like-rates, and percentage of those looking for flings. Basically, you want to go to The Frying Pan this weekend, and want to get there early, because if the weather is nice, you’re never getting a table.
5. Women Prefer Central Park To Prospect Park
While men may be loving soaking up the sun in Prospect Park, of all the parks on the list (Bryant is on there, too), women prefer Central Park. There you can find the “B” ladies, 85 percent of whom are looking for a fling, and who are swiping right 56 percent of the time, which means there are some cute guys uptown, and definitely more than those in Prospect Park.
6. Men Want Flings More Than Women
As we found when Bustle covered The Grade’s stats on top destinations for summer flings, men are the ones looking for flings far more than women. Based on the data, the percentage of men looking to hookup never drops below 86, while the percentage of women looking for flings dips as low as 78 percent ― and those ladies are in South Street Seaport, which we already covered is no place for anyone with a pulse.
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Images: Giphy(6)