Though it's been known among fans for a while now that Pretty Little Liars will have a five-year time jump in Season 6B, I don't think any of us were expecting to see it, well, this year. Luckily, the Summer of Answers totally came through. In addition to solving a ton of mysteries in the summer finale, "Game Over, Charles" ended with the time jump, giving us a preview of the Liars' futures that somehow made the wait for Season 6B even less bearable. Especially since the preview started extremely intensely, with the four Liars running into a classroom where Ali appeared to be the teacher screaming that "he's coming." Ali instantly became panicked, proving that there is indeed another villain in Rosewood's future.
After the barrage of answers that made up a bulk of the Season 6A finale, of course Pretty Little Liars ended on a string of questions. It was five years into the future (so roughly 2017 in the world of the show). Nothing major was revealed, except for the fact that Alison is now apparently Mrs. Rollins, implying that she is married to someone with the last name Rollins (by the way, Lorenzo's last name is Calderon). You can watch the full preview below.
So who is Ali so afraid of? A new threat? An old face who has turned against her in these past years? We'll have to wait until January to find out.
As you try to pass the time until PLL finally returns in January, check out Bustle's podcast Taking This One To The Grave.
And for a totally different perspective on the series, check out the video below as PLL virgins come up with their own answers to the mysteries that are now literally a thing of the past.
Image: Eric McCandless/ABC Family