You know what's a fun thing? When two of your favorite foods in the whole entire world combine to create a brand new thing of beauty — I'm talking about Nabisco's new Brownie Batter Oreos, obviously, which are finally on store shelves, making the planet a more perfect place. Yes, they're just that good.
An Oreo enthusiast since the day I was born, I've tried pretty much all of the limited-edition Oreo flavors to hit stores through the years. S'mores Oreos? I immediately bought (and devoured) two packages. Red Velvet Oreos? Heck yes, keep 'em coming. Cotton Candy? I tried them, and I didn't hate them. Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter, Birthday Cake... I don't discriminate. But this latest offering has got to be my favorite. They honestly taste like someone opened up an Oreo, scraped out the cream filling, and then stuffed them full of actual, honest-to-goodness, freshly made brownie batter. These are fudgy, chocolatey pieces of perfection that miraculously manage to taste like brownies and Oreos at the same time — which is the whole point of Brownie Batter Oreos, I suppose, but seeing this combo executed so flawlessly made my little chocolate-loving heart sing. They're also extremely rich — you know, kind of like brownies. I see what you did there, Nabisco, and I applaud you.
Needless to say, between me and my two co-workers, we were able to finish off a package in about 15 minutes. Seriously, these cookies didn't stand a chance.
Of course, my co-workers weren't the only ones who had something good to say about these cookies. The Internet has been pretty obsessed with Brownie Batter Oreos since the second they materialized in stores.
Wanna try 'em for yourself? Pick up a package for $4.49, and then let's talk later on our way back to the store to buy more.
Looking for some more fun food ideas? Visit Bustle on YouTube!
Images: The Impulsive Buy/Flickr; Kathryn Kattalia