Going away to college, as Blink-182 once told us, can be a sad and confusing time in your life. Sure, you get caught up in the excitement of new classes, making new friends and getting used to living on your own, in whatever way you chose. On the flip side, however, it's signing on to the fact that your significant other, your best friends, your parents, and everything you grew up with won't be within reach whenever you want them to be. It's a difficult concept to swallow, and it can make the transition between high school and college that much more challenging.
When I left to college, I was a wreck. I was incredibly close with my high school friends, and thought leaving my high school boyfriend would be a complete disaster. (Not to mention, I was honestly a fan of seeing my parents on the daily.) I found out, as many people who move away for college do, that I met new friends, and was still able to keep in touch with the old ones. Sure, you can't stay best friends with everyone, but the friends that mattered to me didn't fall away, and getting through college only reaffirmed the fact that we will be friends fOrEvER.
That being said, if you have a BFF that you're absolutely heartbroken to part with when you go off to college, find something fun (and affordable!) to keep you two together even when you're apart. (I heard that, and I know it sounded corny af, but I spare no corniness when I comes to valuing best friends, because they're ~worth it~.) Here are 9 adorable matching gifts for when you and your long distance BFF go to college:
1. Matching Long Distance Coffee Mugs
Best Friend Long Distance Coffee Mug, $30, Etsy
Because even though you aren't close enough to use the ol' can telephone, you're that close ~in spirit~ and it doesn't even matter because we have iPhones now.
2. Miss Your Face Keychain
Miss Your Face Keychain, $19, Etsy
You can put your dorm keycard on it and look at it errday.
3. BFF Graduation Notebook
BFF Graduation Notebook, $8, Etsy
Fill it with pictures, notes, memories, thoughts of packing lists for college.
4. Bestie Avocado Necklaces
Bestie Avocado Necklaces , $30, Amazon
The avocados complete each other, what could possibly be better than that? Are you the pit side or the pitted side? Is that question too personal?
5. North/South Necklaces
North/South Necklaces, $28, Etsy
Cue, "Where you lead, I will follow." Cue, TEARS.
6. Pizza Bracelets For A Group Of Friends
Pizza Bracelets For A Group Of Friends , $12, Amazon
So that everyone gets a slice of the pie, which obviously represents love.
7. Soul Sister Coffee Mugs
Soul Sister Coffee Mugs, $32, Etsy
Because what's more important than souls and coffee? Nothing.
8. BFF Stemless Wine Glasses
Or "juice" glasses for the under 21 crowd.
BFF Stemless Wine Glasses, $25, Etsy
9. Burger And Fries Best Friends Phone Case
I retract my earlier statement. This is more important than souls and coffee.
Burger And Fries Best Friends Phone Case, $30, Etsy
Images: Etsy