Why Is The Black Widow So Important On 'PLL'?

On last week's episode of Pretty Little Liars, Ali finally got a glimpse of A's face and exclaimed "Oh my god" in apparent disbelief — which naturally set off a new frenzy of theories, because she seemed to recognize the man behind the mask. With the summer finale finally in sight, I was so excited that I could barely sleep last night. After years of red herrings and more questions than fans could keep track of, we're finally about to get the answers to everything we've been dying to know. Naturally, the mystery fans are most focused on is A's true identity. And while I can't wait to see Charles' face for myself, let's not forget the other identities that will be revealed during the finale. In addition to Red Coat, we will find out who Black Widow is in Pretty Little Liars' finale, "Game Over, Charles."
Black Widow hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as Charles and Red Coat, which is understandable, considering we've had a whole lot of mysteries and sketchy individuals to keep track of. Although she was a major player in seasons four and five, she has since receded into the show's background. But that doesn't mean she's not a key character in the mystery. For more theories on the show's many mysteries, check out Bustle's PLL podcast below. Then read on for a refresher on where we've seen Black Widow, what she's done, and who may be behind that veil.
1. Her First Appearance Was At Wilden's Funeral
We first saw the Widow at Detective Wilden's funeral. She was dressed completely in black, including black gloves and, of course, the veil, which covered her entire face.
2. There Are A Few Suspects We Can Automatically Eliminate
Whenever a new member of the A Team appears, our minds automatically go to some of Rosewood's sketchiest residents. Although Jenna remains a Red Coat suspect, she can't be Black Widow, because she was shown in attendance at Wilden's funeral. We also saw the faces of Mona and all the Liars at the funeral, so they can be checked off the list as well.
3. After The Funeral, Black Widow Was Seen In A's Lair
After Wilden's funeral, Black Widow went to A's lair and took off her veil. Since this is Pretty Little Liars, we don't see her face. What we do see is that she's wearing a burned Ali mask.
4. It's Possible That Black Widow And Red Coat Are The Same Person
Multiple people have worn the Red Coat disguise, and it's entirely possible that one of them is alternating between Red Coat and Black Widow. We also know that both Black Widow's mask and one of Red Coat's namesake coats were burned during the lodge fire. This could be because two separate individuals were there together, but it's also possible that the mask and coat were worn by the same person that night.
5. Her Costume Has Been Seen In A's Lair
In the fifth episode of season five, "Miss Me x 100," her costume is shown in one of A's many lairs.
6. She Sent A Condolence Note To Bethany Young's Parents
The note read: "My deepest condolences" and was signed "A." Presumably, she was delivering this on behalf of A, since it seems that Charles and Black Widow are different people.
7. If Wren Is A, Black Widow Is Probably Melissa Hastings
At this point, two things seem highly likely: Wren is A, and Melissa is part of the A Team. If we do find out that Wren is behind the A mask, the likelihood of Melissa being the Black Widow increases even more. Although some theories suggest that Black Widow is working on the A Team in order to protect the Liars (hey, it's been done before), I can totally picture Wren and Melissa teaming up to torment Ali, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer. How romantic!
Whoever is behind all of these masks will be uncovered on Tuesday night, and hopefully, we'll learn their motives, as well as their identities. In the meantime, check out the video below to see some PLL virgins give their (hilariously uninformed) takes on A.
Images: ABC Family (2); Giphy (2); pllawesomeness, abcfamily; plliars-unite/Tumblr