
Multimasking Is The Latest At-Home Beauty Trend

by Dana Reszutek

Why use just one mask when you can use, well, all the masks? Multimasking, the latest trend in skincare, encourages an at-home beauty routine that involves using more than just one face mask at the same time.

The concept is pretty simple — apply products that work best for each specific area of the face. For instance, if you have an oily T-zone, use an anti-oil and pore-reducing mask on your nose and forehead. To prevent too much dryness on your cheeks, try a brightening or hydrating mask in that area. And don't forget the eyes — special eye creams and masks work much better for your under eye circles than other face products. Basically, you're giving your skin the best of all worlds when you multimask. It's an at-home beauty treatment that will work for every part of your face.

Why not go one step further by making each mask yourself out of items that are probably already in your kitchen. Let's face it — the likelihood that all of your skin has the same level of dryness, oiliness, etc, is highly unlikely. Whoever is behind multimasking is a genius for encouraging a more targeted approach to skincare.

Let's take a look at some of the Instagram DIY-ers who are taking the #multimasking trend out for a spin.

A T-Zone Focused Anti-Acne Multimask

Tackle Both Blackheads & Dryness

A Mid-Treatment Selfie

This Multimasker Went For A 24k Look

Switch It Up With Different Mud Masks

And if you're a frequenter YouTube tutorial watcher, check out beauty vlogger Tati's take on the multimasking trend:

Images: Tati/YouTube