You'll Have To Wait A While For More 'PLL'

It's absolutely insane to think about, but once the Pretty Little Liars Season 6 summer finale airs, we're going to be done with the Big A storyline. While that doesn't mean that A is totally gone — "Uber A" might pick up where the last Big Bad left off — it does mean that we will finally know who is under the black hoodie that has been tormenting the girls since he stole the game from Mona back in Season 3. We've been waiting for this answer for over three seasons, and now the question is just what will happen after we receive it? Unfortunately, that reveal will take a whole lot of waiting, because while we don't know exactly when Season 6B of Pretty Little Liars will premiere, from what we do know, it's clear that it will be a while. Update: ABC Family announced at New York Comic Con that PLL Season 6B will premiere on Jan. 12 and that a special flash forward episode will air on Nov. 24.
Every season of Pretty Little Liars has been broken up into two parts: A and B. (How appropriate for a show that has a villain also named after the first letter of the alphabet!) Season 1A began in June and ended in August, and Season 1B picked up in January and ended in March. That has been the pattern for every single season so far, and I. Marlene King recently tweeted that the series will pick back up in January... which means we're going to have to play the waiting game for about five months.
Now, here's the real bummer. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, kids, but for the first time since Season 2, we won't be getting any holiday episode to hold us over in between the two halves of Season 6. ABC Family confirmed to Bustle in June that Pretty Little Liars won't have a holiday episode of any kind in Season 6, which breaks the tradition that the show has held since "The First Secret." I know — I'm heartbroken too. One thing that might help, just a little, is the video below, in which drunk PLL fans recap Season 6A.
Truth be told, I have no idea how I'm supposed to spend my Tuesday nights when Pretty Little Liars goes on hiatus, but there is one benefit to having to wait so long: This time around, we're not waiting for a story to conclude. We'll already have reached the end of the Big A story, and can start completely fresh when PLL picks up again after the show's five-year time jump.
It'll be hard, but fans have gotten through six whole seasons of twists and turns. I think we can handle the waiting game for a few months. In the meantime, check out Bustle's Pretty Little Liars podcast, Taking This One To The Grave, and subscribe to our feed on Soundcloud. It just might help ease that pain.
Images: Eric McCandless/ABC Family; Giphy (2)