'Lone Winter Sun' Canceled, Is Still Being Mocked

Seems Breaking Bad fans got the last laugh. Low Winter Sun has been canceled, just months after AMC forced obsessed viewers of Breaking Bad to sit through the first 10 minutes of the freshman series to see coming attractions from the hit meth series. Starring Mark Strong, Low Winter Sun surprisingly didn't benefit from its anticipated lead-in, premiering to 2.5 million viewers, and becoming the object of ridicule for Breaking Bad fans across the world.
Perhaps Low Winter Sun got the raw deal — the series did score middling reviews, but most of its bad press came from the mere fact that it dared to air after what many believe is the best series of all time. As Vulture noted, "The show is losing the vast majority of the Bad audience ... Let's just chalk these bad ratings up to karma for AMC's decision to bury the Bad coming attractions deep in the middle of LWS."
And, strangely, despite the fact that Low Winter Sun had few viewers, its cancellation lead the show to trend on Twitter, mostly to serve as the object of ridicule for Breaking Bad fans still eager to mock the show. (Hey, Twitter can't make fun of Sound of Music Live forever.)
So, yep, that's right Breaking Bad fans: You won.
Image: Alicia Gbur/AMC