The Most Insane Moments In 'RHOC' History
If one were to re-examine the Real Housewives of Orange County 's craziest moments, it would become quite evident that the show's drama didn't start getting too out of hand until around Season 3, when Tamra Barney joined the cast (no shade, facts only). Prior to then, the show pretty much stuck to the tame trajectory that was seen in the relatively-drama free pilot episode of RHOC. Obviously, it wasn't a total snoozefest back, then or else the show wouldn't have spawned numerous franchises in its wake (like: remember that fight that happened during the OC Angels photoshoot? Does anyone even remember the OC Angels?) — but, there are levels to this Housewives madness, and the pilot was definitely a level one. Over the years, the behavior amongst RHOC's orange-toting cast members has progressed from the ordinary Mean Girl-esque feuding to the most cutthroat, below-the-belt shadefests to ever take place on reality TV.
If that sounds like a gross exaggeration of the RHOC timeline, then I encourage you to think really hard about the last time a so-called friend threw a glass of wine at you, or yelled at you in front of their entire fancy dinner party guests, or dissed your boyfriend to a group of your sworn enemies. (OK, fine — he is a jerk, but still.)
Anyway, if none of that sounds vaguely familiar to your real life, then consider yourself lucky. On the other hand, if any of those scenarios give you the sudden the urge to hurl an expensive champagne flute, then a) I’m getting out of your way to avoid flying wine glasses and b) you’ve most likely been involved in one of the nine most insane moments from the RHOC — or, at least, part of a similar situation:
1. When Alexis Accused Gretchen's Friend Of Flirting With Her Husband
During this Season 5 episode, Alexis was convinced that Gretchen's friend was flirting with her husband, Jim Bellino — and, obviously, it caused quite the situation. For what it's worth, this is what Gretchen's friend had to say about the situation: "He is not attractive. No one is hitting on her husband."
2. When The Curtins Received An Eviction Notice On Camera

3. When Tamra Threw Wine In Jeana's Face
Completely out of control. Did that get in her eye?!
4. When Heather Freaked Out Because A Wanna-Be Housewife Pinched Off Her Fancy Cake

Heather has a point — it's quite rude (and gross) to put your grubby paws on a cake that's meant for everyone to eat — but her reaction was insanely dramatic.
5. When The Housewives Went White Water Rafting
Best facial expression ever.
6. When Brooks And Briana Went At It During The Season 8 Reunion

7. When Tamra Kicked Alexis Out Of Her Party
What about deep breaths? Did you take any of those?
8. When Shannon Stormed Out Of Lizzie Rovsek's Party

... and nearly blew the roof off the house.
9. When Tamra Ran Barefoot Out Of A Restaurant
Who can blame her? Those housewives are an intense bunch. Sometimes you've got to find an exit strategy last minute!
Of course, here's hoping for more of these dramatic moments to come.
Images: Giphy (8)