7 Pizzas For People Who Hate Crust

I like to think this generation is pretty adventurous when it comes to the food scene. We live in a time where the sushi burrito is actually a thing, eating hibiscus-iced doughnuts is celebrated, and you can find bacon on literally anything. Master chefs and home cooks alike are always looking for ways to add unexpected flavors and textures to classic dishes, so it shouldn't be surprising that pizza, undoubtedly one of America's favorite foods, has been a test subject as well. Sure, you can get creative with what you put on your pizza, but what about what goes underneath it? These pizza crust alternatives will change everything you ever thought you knew about this cheesy food staple.
I know what you're thinking: Pizza is already perfect in its natural, cheesy, doughy form — so why change it? Well, why not? You don’t have to ditch the carbs for good, but variety is the spice of life. From cauliflower to mushrooms to eggplant, these crusts are just as good as anything you’ve ever tried, not to mention they are super good for you. (Any time you can eat veggies without actually realizing you’re eating your veggies is a plus, in my book.) I've never met a pizza I didn't like, so here are seven alternative ingredients for pizza crust that will still have you begging for another slice.
1. Cauliflower
Cauliflower has replaced kale as the healthy food trend of 2015, and there's a reason for that — it's delicious. This recipe from Closet Cooking explains how to adapt it into a delectable pizza crust.
2. Zucchini
Just like cauliflower, zucchini has been transformed into spaghetti noodles and more, but after trying out this low-carb recipe from Mel's Kitchen, you'll never want to eat it any other way.
3. Quinoa
This recipe from Oatmeal with a Fork uses only five ingredients, including the nutritious grain quinoa, to prepare mouth-watering pizza perfection.
4. Portobello Mushroom Caps
Table for Two found a way to serve up one of your favorite pizza toppings as its foundation instead.
5. Sweet Potato
Plenty of great things are made from potatoes: fries, chips, and pies, for instance. Fortunately, Taste and Tell shows the world how to make it into a pizza, too!
6. Eggplant
Perhaps not as crispy as its crusty cousins, but for lovers of eggplant parmesan, this revamped eggplant pizza from Closet Cooking will make you forget you're eating a vegetable.
7. Beets
This wholesome pizza featured on The Kitchn is so good, you just can't beet it.
Looking for some more fun food ideas? Visit Bustle on YouTube!
Images: Closet Cooking (2); Mel's Kitchen; Taste and Tell; The Kitchn; Oatmeal with a Fork; Table for Two