You Should Be Excited For This Show

If you haven't seen Broad City, the super-great web series by New York comedians Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, I have two things to say to you: 1) If you like funny ladies (which you should) you should go watch it right now. 2) Broad City 's heading to Comedy Central come January as a TV show, so either which way you're going to be hearing about these two a lot more in the coming months. So you should go watch it right now.
We've been waiting for a Broad City TV show ever since it was announced a couple years back that Amy Poehler was tryin' hard to bring the show there, so the fact that it's extra-officially happening now and we're actually in spitting distance of it actually being on our television screens is making us really happy right now.
Why are we so excited? Well, there's the fact that — as evidenced by everything mentioned above this — we are huge fans of the original web series. There's also the aforementioned fact that Amy Poehler is involved, and we love her a lot. There's also the fact that Comedy Central can always use more shows run by and starring women, and the fact that Jacobson and Glazer are — we are convinced — the next big thing that only a handful of people have discovered yet. Comedian Hannibal Buress will also be a recurring character, and he is also one of the next big thangs.
Basically we're psyched, and you should be, too, because we like when the Internet feels like a supportive community of people loving things together and not... what it often is.
For those as of yet unfamiliar with Broad City, here's how Jacobson and Glazer described the show in an interview with Splitsider last Spring:
Potentially each episode will just be a day in the life. It's still very playful, and you'll still see these characters walk into these specific and crazy New York situations. But it is a little bit more of a structure, in terms of you're seeing a full adventure that they would go on … Our comedy friends who are not yet famous are the like the next generation. So we do have some big names in our pilot, but we also have the future big names throughout our series.
And here are some of our favorite episodes of the web series, capped off with their brilliant take-on of street harassment through an homage to Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing.
Image: Broad City/YouTube