'BiP' Contestants All Have The Same Jobs

It's no secret that there is a certain type of person who goes on spinoff shows like Bachelor in Paradise. If there's one thing it takes to excel on a reality TV show competition, it's being in crazy amazing shape and these contestants take it to the next level. They're all super fit and beautiful. From toned arms and abs for the boys to epic flowing locks for the ladies, these contestants are stunning. So, I guess it should really come as no surprise that there are a ton of personal trainers and hairstylists on Bachelor in Paradise. And I don't mean, "Oh, one or two, what a crazy random happenstance!" I mean, basically everybody and their mother on this show either came straight from the gym or the salon.
What's up with these two jobs being the go-to position? Well, for a show based around finding a love connection fast it seems like it would give them the advantage. They can take a lot of time off for filming, and they know how to look amazing. At the very least these are real jobs, and not some of the bizarre placeholder titles we've seen over the year (personal favorite "ex-dog walker"). Take a look at all of the contestants who have had these jobs, just from two seasons of Bachelor in Paradise alone!
Ashley Salter (Season 2)
Of course she's a professional hairstylist. It's not like the birds created that sweeping updo.
Cody Sattler (Season 1)
He's a personal trainer, because obviously. Or, should I say, absviously.
Clare Crawley (Seasons 1 & 2)
Hairstylist and dog lover. (The latter of which was an actual job title for another woman on her Bachelor season.)
Mikey Tenerelli (Season 2)
The former plumbing contractor now owns CrossFit Alpha Dog.
Michelle Money (Season 1)
Cute mirror, and darling hair. I'd expect no less from the professional hairstylist.
Kirk DeWindt (Season 2)
Personal trainer, professional flannel-wearer, grade A-adorable.
Christy Hansen (Season 1)
You guessed it! Another hairstylist.
Dan Cox (Season 2)
He works for Total Nutrition, so the man is in fantastic shape — perfect for Bachelor in Paradise! Now we just have to wait for Season 3 when they bring in a hairstylist-slash-personal trainer. It's bound to happen eventually.
Images: Rick Rowell/ABC