
How Is Dating Different In The UK Than The U.S.?

by Lucia Peters

It's one of those things that you hear about a lot, but never actually internalize until you're right there in the thick of it: Yes, both Americans and Brits speak English, but there is a huge difference between American English and the Queen's English. The differences are readily apparent in a lot of ways (“jelly” versus “jam,” for example, or “pants” versus “trousers”) — but perhaps the most obvious one is when it comes to dating. Simply put, brushing up on dating terms in British English pretty much requires you to speak a whole new language — or at least acquire a whole new vocabulary.

But hey, that's what the web series Anglophenia is for: Clearing up some of the things about life in the UK that Americans may not be familiar with, no matter how much of an anglophile you may think you are. Hosted by the always-delightful Kate Arnell, the latest installment walks us through dating talk in the UK — so if you ever find yourself abroad (or meet a roving Brit somewhere in the United States), here's what you need to know in order to successfully navigate the dating and/or hookup scene. Because everything is more fun with a British accent, right?

1. If you find someone attractive…

You might refer to them as being “fit” or “buff.” For Americans, those two words usually mean someone is super duper in shape, but for Brits, it means that they're just sort of generally hot. If you think they're really hot, you might call them “well fit” or “well buff.” “Bang tidy” has also been trending lately, thanks to British comedian Leigh Francis' fictional character Keith Lemon.

Why is Arnell holding a copy of Pride and Prejudice here? Because she is rewriting it as she speaks, with Lizzie referring to Mr. Darcy as “well buff.” And yes, it is as magical as you think it is.

2. If you like someone…

You “fancy” them, although not in the Iggy Azalea sense. You probably already know this one—but you might not know where it comes from: According to Arnell, the word “fantasy” began to take on the meaning of “desire” in the 16th century; as is wont to happen, it eventually got shortened — hence, “desire” >> “fantasy” >> “fancy.”

3. If you want to make out with someone…

You want to “snog” them. Apparently no one really knows where this somewhat perplexing word comes from, but it's thought to have gained popularity during the 1950s. Note that “snogging” is to be used only in a romantic context — as Arnell notes, a snog is not a peck on the cheek, and you certainly wouldn't go around snogging your relatives.

4. If you're on the prowl for a hookup or a one-night stand

You're “out on the pull.” This one was new to me, and to be honest, I think it's a more entertaining phrase than “trying to pick someone up” — although I'll admit to being somewhat curious as to why both phrases involve physically moving someone or something.

5. If you've successful pulled someone…

You've probably progressed to “copping off.” What kinds of activities fall under the heading of “copping off?” If you like the good ol' fashioned baseball analogy, pretty much anything around second or third base. It's a little vague, but that's actually kind of a good thing: It means you don't have to drop all the details when you're chatting with your friend about your hookup the night before.

6. If you have sex with someone…

You've “shagged” them. You might also use it as an adjective to describe someone who's beyond fit or buff — someone who's totally “shaggable.” Just know that calling someone “shaggadelic” isn't actually a thing (Austin Powers has ruined us for life).

Watch the full video below:

Images: malias/Flickr; Anglophenia/YouTube (5); Giphy