On 'Key & Peele,' The Teachers Are The Stars

Teachers deserve way more money and recognition than they receive. We all know this. This is not a brand new or controversial idea in the slightest. And yet teachers consistently are underpaid and overworked. Well Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele may be ending Key & Peele after Season 5, but before they do, they are taking a stand. It's time to stand up for the teachers and show that they should get paid as much as people who make millions of dollars every year: Sports stars. On Wednesday night's episode of Key & Peele , the comedians built a funny and poignant sketch around this principle, entitled "TeachingCenter." Both Key and Peele played sports anchors at spoof of ESPN SportsCenter and relayed the teaching news of the day. And man did they point out how great it would be to see teachers getting the money, respect and glory they deserve.
From breaking news involving a teacher leaving their school for another and getting a multi-million dollar payout, a la LeBron James, to watching a teacher at work in class and breaking down the "game tape" as ESPN SportsCenter would with an athlete, Key and Peele proved two things: Teachers should be entitled to so much more than they receive, and the amount of time and energy spent breaking down athletes' choices and moves on and off the field or court is frankly, kind of ridiculous. But the comedians' didn't just spoof SportsCenter, they also spoofed the fact that athletes get paid even more money to do insane car commercials and other endorsements by allowing a teacher to do one. To be honest, I'd buy the car from the teacher over an athlete.
So, will this sketch change anything? Probably not. But will it at least bring awareness? It had better. Great teachers shape us and help us become who we want to be. Isn't it about time they reap some benefits?
Images: Screenshot/Comedy Central