These 'Archer' & 'Always Sunny' Emojis Are Useful

There's a whole world of emoji out there, and, surprisingly (or, perhaps, unsurprisingly?) it is quite possible to express the entire gamut of human emotion with those adorable, pixelated little dudes. (You know it's a time to be alive when "poop emoji" means SO MUCH.) And now, there's even more possibility to express your emotion through modern-day hieroglyphic with these new official FX TV show emojis.
There are unique emoji for a bunch of their shows, like Man Seeking Woman and The Strain — but the best are, without a doubt, the It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia emoji for the gang from Paddy's Pub and the ones for the super-suave spies from Archer. The app is free for all Apple and Android users in the Apple iTunes store and on Google Play — and thank goodness because, as they say, some thoughts can only be expressed with rum ham.
Download the app in your respective app store, and start rum-ham spamming your friends as soon as possible. There are plenty of ways to get into the emoji Danger Zone with the Archer and Sunny emoji — here are seven ideas to get you started:
Use Archer Boozing When...
Your friends wanna go out and have some fun, and you've already started. OR, when you know you're about to get into a conversation that's going to make you feel so fed up, you need to take off your pants and drink straight from the bottle.
Use "Kitten Mittons" When...
Your cat is just too damn loud! Can also be used more metaphorically — "loud kitten who needs paw pads" can become shorthand for all the noise in the world that's distracting you from being the best YOU that you can be.
Use Green Man When...
When you want to let loose with all abandon, especially at the club. Green Man can also be used as shorthand for "I am going through something difficult, and I need to get through it." He helped Charlie Day — Green Man can help you too.
Use Archer Covering His Ears When...
You know you're losing an argument, but you don't want to admit you're wrong. We're all stubborn sometimes!
Use The Lana Side-eye When...
When the world is testing you, and all you can muster is a loud, enthusiastic, "NOOOOOOOOPE." Friends acting shady? *Lana emoji*
Use The Rum Ham When...
When you're starving, and also really could use a drink (or 10). Or, if you're being literal, use the rum ham when you are proposing to your pals that you get together soon and try to actually make a rum ham.
Use Malory And Her Flask When...
Your friends want to know why you're drinking before 5 p.m. You have a good reason!
There are plenty of other emoji in the app to help you express yourself to your greatest potential while ALSO expressing your love for FX comedies. Have a great idea that you want your friends to help you pitch on Shark Tank? Why not use the Sunny emoji for Fight Milk?
Images: FX (3), Giphy (6)