How To Have A Party For The Rachel Of Your Friends

While the television classic Friends was made up of an ensemble cast, we all know Monica was the glue that held them all together. Think about it, all relationships could be traced back to Monica: Monica’s brother, Monica’s former roommate, Monica’s high school friend, and Monica’s neighbors. OK Chandler did know Ross first, but he married Monica, so whatever. Monica’s huge, spotless apartment, which was always stocked with snacks, served as base-camp for the group and all of their formal gatherings. And, more often than not, the parties on Friends always seemed to be for Rachel...
Throughout Friends’ 10 seasons, we see five — six if you count “The One With Two Parties” twice — birthday parties for Rachel (that’s more than any other friend): Rachel also has a baby shower, a going away party, and Emma’s first birthday party (which may as well have been a Rachel party). Monica had a lot of experience celebrating her bestie, so, if you’re the natural hostess of your group, and the gang’s natural attention getter has a birthday coming up, pay close attention. Here are 11 steps to throwing the perfect Monica Geller party for the Rachel Green of your friend group:
Step 1: Keep A Spotless Home Because A Party Could Happen At A Moment’s Notice
Even a fake Bon Voyage party for Ross’s girlfriend, that’s actually a ruse for Rachel to hangout with her crush.
Step 2: When A Party Opportunity Rolls Around, Start Forming Committees — All Of Which, You Will Head Up, Obviously
“Why do we always have to have parties with committees?” Ross once wondered. Because Monica, that's why.
Committee your heart out, but know that your friends may not be on board with your fancy plans like poaching a salmon or borrowing your mom’s lace tablecloth.
Step 3: Plan A Five Star Menu
Just maybe don't make flan, lest you want a recreation of Joey's “Happy birthday, Rachel, here’s some goo!” line.
Your friends may not appreciate your choices like salmon mousse or flan (instead of traditional birthday cake), but you know what’s elegant!
Step 4: Learn To Delegate, But Be Wary Of The Phoebe In The Group
She’ll take her job super seriously — remember the party with all the cups and ice? But, she may forget to invite the guest of honor’s mom, even if it seems obvious — like when it's that person's baby shower.
Step 5: Check The Guest List Twice
Be sure to avoid girls that the Joey of your friend group claims "steal stuff" — that just means he slept with them and never called them back.
Step 6: On The Night Of The Party, Be Ready For Some Hiccups
From unexpected guests to crying strippers, just keep calm and carry on when the inevitable sitcom bomb drops.
Step 7: Let The Organized Fun Begin
As Monica says: “Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun!” So, plan games where everyone writes down their most embarrassing moments on index cards, boggle tournaments, and time to compose group poems. Just make sure guests put the the caps securely back on the pens. They should hear a “click."
Step 8: Give A Killer Toast
Remember, it’s only good if people cry.
Step 9: Make Sure The Gift Is Exchangeable
Rachels are notorious gift returners, after all.
Step 10: Start Cleaning Early — Even If The Guests Are Still There
The Rachel of your friend group knows you want to —"I'm Monica. I wash the toilet 17 times a day, even if people are on it!"
Step 11: At The End Of The Night, Know That People Had A Good Time
Your friends may rib you about the excessive cleaning and cooking, but they would be lost without you and your hospitable home.
Images: Warner Bros. Television; Giphy.com (5); FriendsAddicted, PeaceIsTheNewHappy, StinkyMockingJay/Tumblr