Your Handwriting Reveals Way More Than You Thought

Do we unconsciously reveal our thoughts and emotions in our handwriting? David J. Dewitt, an author and graphoanalyst certified by the International Graphoanalysis Society, thinks so. In a new video from Mashable, the handwriting expert analyzes the handwriting of staffers, and argues that handwriting can tell us a lot about a person’s personality and mood. He explains the potential of handwriting on his website:
Your handwriting is a mirror of yourself and is a product of your mental capacity. Like a photograph, at a specific moment, your handwriting will reveal more about you than you may think. No matter how you are taught to write at school, your handwriting will eventually take on your own personal style and become a unique guide to your personality and character.
In this video, DeWitt sits down with Mashable staffers to analyze their writing. He has them write out a few sentences (He says that cursive is a better gauge for analysis), and then tells them what their writing says about their personalities, identifying broad personality traits, like being introverted, to of-the-moment emotions, like irritation. He studies how each person forms his or her letters, as well as the size of his or her writing and how much space each person fills on the page.
Graphology, based on the premise that handwriting can give insight into personality and mental state, is a controversial practice. Critics have argued that it is a pseudoscience; A 2013 BBC News article, for example, explains that, for detractors, the practice is akin to palm reading:
For critics, the skill of the graphologist is the skill of every other clever, intuitive "mind-reader". They draw obvious conclusions where they can, and for the rest rely on vague-sounding generalities that cannot but contain some element of truth.
And yet, many people swear by graphology, particularly in France, where the practice began. According to BBC News, a 1991 study found that a whopping 91 percent of French companies used graphology in their hiring practices, and graphologists estimate that between 50 and 75 percent still do to some degree.
It’s difficult to tell from this video whether graphology is valid or not. DeWitt draws conclusions that appear to be correct, though they are generally vague. At least one of the participants is convinced — This guy, who remarked,
That was probably one of the most accurate things I’ve ever heard. Move over fortunetellers or palm readers. Everyone needs to get their handwriting checked out. … This was really spot on.
Watch the whole video and decide for yourself:
Images: YouTube (2)