
11 Glute-Strengthening Pilates Exercises

Featuring leg circles, bridges, and more.

by Carolyn Steber
How to target the inner thighs.


Pilates workouts recruit multiple muscles, joints, and ligaments at once, which is why it’s a solid low-impact way to sweat. Instructor Olivia Bowman-Jackson says it also stretches your muscles so you feel lengthened rather than tight. Here, 11 Pilates glute exercises to try.


Leg Lifts

Bowman-Jackson says this targets the gluteus maximus.

- On hands and knees, extend right leg back.

- With abs in, lift leg up to hip level. Pulse 2x.

- Tap foot to floor, lift again. Repeat 10x.

- For a challenge, lift opposite arm at the same time.

Repeat on each side.

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Side-Lying Legs

Try this one to work the gluteus minimus muscle, Bowman-Jackson says.

- Lie on side, head on left arm, bottom knee bent.

- Extend top leg in front of you, line up with core.

- Tap to floor 10x.

- Keep leg lifted. Do 8 circles, then reverse.

Repeat on other leg.


Side Leg Circles

This move from instructor Tianna Strateman works your thighs, glutes, and lower abs.

- Lie on right side.

- Hips stacked, extend both legs out straight.

- Point left foot, lift it up a few inches.

- Make a small circle to engage glutes.

Do 20 reps per leg.



Stratemen also recommends this articulated bridge.

- Begin on back, hands at sides, knees bent, feet flat.

- Squeeze glutes, push through heels, lift hips off floor.

- Raise pelvis, lower back, then midback.

- Slowly lower in reverse order.

Repeat 8x.


Shoulder Bridge Leg Lift

Trainer Gia Calhoun loves this move to target the glutes.

- On back, knees bent, feet hip-width apart.

- Peel tailbone off mat.

- Extend one leg to ceiling.

- Lower leg, flex foot, bring back up.

Do 8x per leg.


Single-Leg Kicks

Calhoun also recommends these to work the hamstrings and glutes.

- Lie on stomach, legs back straight.

- Prop up onto forearms, elbows under shoulders.

- Kick one heel towards your butt, 2x.

- Reach leg straight. Repeat.

- Switch legs.

Do 8 rounds.

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Elevator Lunge

From Olivia Atwood — wear socks for easy gliding.

- Left foot forward, right leg back.

- Lower into lunge, left knee over ankle.

- Straighten back leg, press into ball of foot to rise to stand.

- Slide right leg back into lunge.

Repeat for 3 mins. per leg.


Donkey Kick

This glute exercise has lots of variations to work with, Atwood says.

- On all fours, flat back. Extend left leg straight behind you.

- Bring left knee in to left elbow. Extend left leg straight.

- Add a straight leg lift, leg pulses, or a hydrant.

Do 3 mins. per leg.


Reverse Tabletop

Instructor Ashley Patten recommends this Pilates move.

- Sit. Place hands behind you, fingers facing butt.

- Engage abs, lift hips. Body will form a “table.”

- Dig heels into mat to engage glutes. Body should be one line from shoulders to knees.

Lower, repeat 8x.


Kneeling Side Kicks

Patten also loves this challenging move.

- Kneel with arms out to a “T.”

- Tip to right. Place right hand under shoulder, knee under hip.

- With left hand behind head, lift top leg to hip height.

- Kick leg forward 2x, back 2x.

Repeat 8x per side.

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Kneeling Leg Lifts + Circles

From the previous position, Patten says circling your leg adds a challenge to the glutes.

- Keep kneeling, top leg out.

- Push through heel to bring leg in line with rest of body.

- Lift and lower leg, 8x.

- Circle leg forward then back, 8x.