Calisthenics is a great way to work the legs. These simple bodyweight moves can be done anywhere — without equipment — to build strength, enhance flexibility, and improve agility, says Pure Barre’s Michelle Ditto. Here, experts share 11 leg calisthenics exercises they love.
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Planet Fitness manager Theodore Savage suggests these in order to work quads, hamstrings, and calves.
- Staggered stance, left foot back.
- Drive left knee up to chest, swing right arm up.
- Land gently in the start position.
- Repeat for 60 seconds, 3 sets per side.
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Running coach Jen Steele recommends this calisthenics leg move.
- Squat as if to sit in a chair.
- Keep chest up.
- Come back to stand, raise one knee to hip height.
- Squat again, then raise other leg.
- Do 10 reps, 5 leg raises per side.
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Ditto says wide squats engage the quads, inner and outer thighs, and improve flexibility.
- Stand with feet wider than hips, toes slightly out.
- Lower down to squat.
- At bottom of squat, pulse 16 to 20x.
- Do 15 reps, 3 sets.
Ditto suggests adding in a side lunge to hit the hips and glutes.
- From a wide squat, hinge forward at hips.
- Walk feet wider.
- Side lunge from right to left.
- Track knee over big toe.
- Repeat 8 to 10x per side.
- For a challenge, lift heels off the floor.
Therapist Sandra Gail Frayna suggests this classic exercise to work the calves.
- Stand straight.
- Push into balls of feet to lift body up to stand on toes.
- Lower heels slowly.
- Repeat for 30 reps.
- For a challenge, stand on a single leg. Do 15 reps per leg.
Freyna also recommends this squat variation to engage glutes, hamstrings, and outer quads.
- Get into squat position.
- Keep legs wider than hip-width.
- Stay very low to ground.
- Engage core, begin walking forward in this position.
- Take 20 steps.
Pilates pro Sarah Steele, of SteeleSculpt, says this exercise targets the legs and the glutes.
- Begin on all fours, shoulders over wrists.
- Lift one leg behind you to max height.
- Keep knee bent.
- Gently tap knee back to floor.
- Keep abs tight.
- Do 30 reps per leg.
Steele also likes this one to target hamstrings and quads.
- Start in kneeling position.
- Step one foot in front of you to half-kneel.
- Step other foot under you into deep squat.
- Return to kneel one knee at a time.
- Keep upper body still.
- Do 15 reps.
Trainer TJ Mentus says this exercise corrects leg imbalances.
- Stand in front of elevated surface.
- Place one leg back behind you, toes on surface.
- Bend back knee, lightly touch ground.
- Lower straight down, come back up.
- Perform 8 to 12 reps per leg.
This move works your quads, glutes, and hips, says trainer Jesse Feder.
- Stand feet shoulder-width apart.
- Squat down, keep torso upright.
- At bottom of squat, push into balls of feet.
- Jump straight up.
- Land gently on both feet.
- Do 15 reps, 3 sets.