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Using a kettlebell for the first time can be tricky. They’re heavier than they look and are often difficult to maneuver (compared to dumbbells, at least) — but they’re helpful for training multiple muscle groups at once. Get started with these kettlebell workouts for beginners.
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- Goblet squat: Hold kettlebell close to chest in both hands with handle down. Squat, touch elbows to thighs.
- Deadlift: With bell between ankles, hinge at hip & reach down — torso will be at 45-degrees. Grab bell by handle, raise up.
Do 15 each.
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Do each set 3x.
- Press kettlebell above head with core engaged, 8x.
- Goblet squats, 10x.
- Hold kettlebell at side, lunge 8x per leg.
- Rows. Lean forward, pull bell to chest, 8x.
- Bridge thrusts with bell on lap. Engage glutes, 12x.
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- Deadlifts, 8x.
- Cleans: Use deadlift pattern to move bell from ground to “racked” position on chest, 8x.
- Squat, holding bell to chest, 8x.
- Push press: Use power of legs to get bell over head, 8x.
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Start with a kettlebell that’s 6-8 lbs.
- Goblet squats.
- Curtsy lunge with a bicep curl.
- Squat plus shoulder press.
Do each move for 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.
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Keep it simple: Dr. Alex Tauberg recommends doing kettlebell swings, which count as strength and cardio.
- Grab the bell with both hands between your legs.
- Bend hips, lower bell down, then quickly extend hips to thrust it forward.
- Do 3 sets of 10.
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- Kettlebell swings: 2 sets of 10 to work the glutes, hips, quads, hamstrings
- Lunges: w/ feet together, hold bell in right hand by shoulder, palm facing in.
- Step back to lunge as you engage core.
- Repeat on other side, 2 sets 10 reps.
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Do 10 reps each to target quads, hamstrings, lats, and core.
- Squats: Hold bell at chest.
- Overhead press: Hold with one hand, twist wrist so bell faces in, push arm up.
- Swings.
- Rows: Hinge forward, pull bell to chest one arm at a time.
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- Cheat cleans.
- Single-arm swings.
- Two arm swings (standard kettlebell swings).
Sulaver recommends focusing on form and doing timed sets rather than setting a specific number of reps.
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- Lunges: With kettlebells at shoulders, step back into lunge, 10x per leg.
- Squats: With bells at shoulders, squat 12x to work core & glutes.
- Swings: 15x for cardio.
- Farmer’s carries: Hold two bells at sides, walk 100 ft. to work traps & forearms.