
11 HIIT-Style Rowing Workouts Trainers Love

Time for some cardio.

by Carolyn Steber
Rowing HIIT workout ideas.

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Rowing is an ideal way to get a high-intensity workout that’s low-impact, says instructor Sarah Fuhrmann. It’s total-body, so it gets your heart rate up quickly, and the machine responds to your effort so you can control how hard you go. Here, 11 HIIT rowing workout ideas to try.


Beginner Session

Furhmann recommends trying this super-easy routine to get used to the motion of rowing.

- Row easy for 1 minute.

- Row hard for 1 minute.

- Alternate for up to 30 minutes.

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Furmann also likes this HIIT circuit.

- Row hard for 100 meters.

- Paddle or row slowly for 30 seconds.

- Alternate 3 times.

- Row slowly for a full 3 minutes.

- Repeat circuit for a total of 9 rounds.



You can also integrate strength training moves on the floor into your rowing session, Furmann says.

- Row for 1 minute.

- Get off machine, do 10 kettlebell goblet squats.

- Row for 1 minute.

- Get off machine, do 10 kettlebell deadlifts.

- Row for 1 minute.

- Repeat 3x.

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You could also incorporate bodyweight moves off the rower, says trainer Greg Loomis.

- Row at half effort for 1 minute.

- Rest 30 seconds.

- Do push-ups for 1 minute.

- Rest 30 seconds.

- Do squats for 1 minute.

- Rest 30 seconds.

- Repeat the circuit 3 to 4 times.

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Trainer Matt Scarfo says this “ladder” workout will help you build speed.

- Row as fast as possible 1,000 meters.

- Rest for 1 minute.

- Row as fast as possible 900 meters.

- Rest for 1 minute.

- Row as fast as possible 800 meters.

- Rest for 1 minute.

- And so on to zero.


500 Meters

Trainer Elliott Torsney suggests rowing faster each round.

- Row at an easy pace for 100 meters.

- Row faster for the next 100 meters.

- Try to shave 10 seconds off every 100 meters.

- Sprint last 100 meters.

- At 500 meters, rest 1 minute.

- Repeat 2 to 8 times.


Two Minute Intervals

Trainer Jesser Feder suggests this HIIT-style combo.

- Row 250 meters at 2-minute pace.

- Recovery row for 20 seconds.

- Row 350 meters at 2-minute pace.

- Recovery row for 20 seconds.

- Finish by rowing 500 meters as fast as possible.


Rowing + Burpees

Feder also recommends hopping off the machine to keep the HIIT going.

- Row 200 meters at 2-minute pace.

- Do 10 burpees.

- Row 200 meters at 2-minute pace.

- Do 10 air squats.

- Row 200 meters at 2-minute pace.

- Do 10 push-ups.

- Rest 5 minutes then repeat.



Row House coach Michelle Parolini suggests this workout.

- Row 1 minute, 20 strokes per minute (SPM), then 2 minutes, 22 SPM.

- Row 30 SPM, 45 seconds. Row easy for 15 seconds. Repeat 5x.

- Do squats, 45 seconds. Squat holds, 15 seconds. Repeat 5x.

- Cool down for 2 minutes.

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Since Tabatas are short, you should give each 20-second rowing interval your 100% effort, says Loomis.

- Row as fast as you can for 20 seconds.

- Stop and rest for 10 seconds.

- Repeat for 8 to 12 rounds.

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5 Rounds

Trainer Kate Meier likes rowing because you can see your pace, so you’ll know when to push harder.

- Row at an easy pace for 300 meters.

- Row at a moderate pace for 200 meters.

- Row at a full sprint for 100 meters.

- Rest 1 minute.

- Repeat 5 rounds.