
Your Guide To Surviving September's New Moon

This lunation is all about cracking down on your goals.

by Brittany Beringer
Knowing the dos and don'ts of the September 2021 new moon is important for all zodiac signs.
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The September 2021 new moon occurs on Sept. 6 in the meticulous sign of Virgo, inviting the collective to reorganize and get serious about their goals. Now’s a perfect time to set new expectations for ourselves and channel our most powerful selves with these do’s and don'ts.

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DO: Create A Vision Board

Want to crack down on your goals? You’re going to want a visual aid of the endgame. Break the craft box, cut up some magazines, and create practical goals with help from a vision board. Using Pinterest boards can help create your ideal aesthetic.

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DON’T: Be Overly Critical

Venus, the planet of love, in Libra makes an auspicious aspect with lucky Jupiter. Be gentle and meet yourself with patience and forgiveness. Now's a great time to fill yourself up with self-love affirmations, as well as celebrate your milestones.

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DO: Clean & Declutter Your Space

Let this lunation inspire you to make new changes to your sanctuary. Donate your clothes and other items that are just taking up space to make room for new things. Deep clean your space to allow for clarity and serenity.

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DON’T: Keep The Same Routine

Mix up your tried and true routine with new tactics or rework old ones as a way of keeping the spark. For example, if you've made meditation part of your routine, try meditating outdoors.

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DO: Communicate With Intention

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, so be clear and intentional in the way you speak. In other words, say what you mean and mean what you say to avoid any miscommunication.

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DON’T: Strive For Perfection

Power-driven Mars in Virgo creates a lucky aspect with Pluto, boosting our confidence. But aiming for unrealistic standards is a good way to self-sabotage. Instead of aiming for perfection, make a list of attainable standards for yourself.

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DO: Focus On Inner Work

New moons in astrology are all about recharging and reflection, so use this time to investigate your shadow side, aka your vulnerable side, to improve areas like communication and breaking bad habits (e.g. procrastination). Try meditation and journaling.

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