
Your Guide To Blooming During March’s New Moon

Let yourself dream big.

by Brittany Beringer
Clouds and new moon at sunset over Padstow, Cornwall, UK. The March 2022 new moon appears on Mar. 2.
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Have a box of tissues and your favorite rom-com ready, because the new moon in Pisces arrives on Mar. 2, pushing you to face tough emotions left on the backburner of Aquarius season. Make the most of the emotional catharsis with these do's and don'ts.

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DO: Speak Up For Others

The new moon in Pisces is accompanied by a conjunction between Mercury, the planet of communication, and Saturn, which rules discipline, both in humanitarian Aquarius. It's a great time to stand up for others, speak up, and lead with an empathetic heart.

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DON’T: Absorb Everyone’s Emotions

As the emotional moon moves into empathetic Pisces, it can be easy to take on everyone's load and ignore your own emotions. Avoid ruminating on the feelings of others by setting boundaries. It's OK to take a day off from being a confidant.

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DO: Dreamwork

If you've ever had vivid dreams, it's probably thanks to Neptune, Pisces' planetary ruler, which governs the subconscious. The new moon is a great opportunity to dive into your unconscious mind with a dream journal.

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DON’T: Cling Onto Practicality

Not only is the new moon ingressing in daydreamer Pisces, but the conjunction between Mercury and Saturn in unorthodox Aquarius gives you extra confidence to throw out limitations and express your wild, untamed dreams and passions.

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DO: Practice Self-Compassion

Pisces is a water sign, so compassion is in their nature. Follow the mutable sign's lead and take your self-care to the next level — write yourself a love letter and give yourself a hug each time you make a mistake rather than criticizing yourself.

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DON’T: Avoid Vulnerability

The handoff from emotionally unavailable Aquarius to empathetic Pisces may take some time to get used to. The new moon is a good time to vent to a close friend and release pent-up feelings, especially if you've been struggling to speak with your heart.

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DO: Feed Your Inner Artist

Pisces is a natural creator, and the new moon is a great time to start your artistic journey. Pick up a new creative hobby like painting, writing, or dancing and use this new form of creative expression as a way to get much-needed emotional catharsis.

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