
How To Stop Stereotypes Taking Over Your Life

Five practical steps to tackle harmful labels, inspired by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex’s new podcast.

Diva. Bossy. Nag. Stereotypes are society’s story, not ours. That’s why Meghan will trace the roots of harmful labels and explore their impact in the new Spotify podcast, Archetypes. Inspired by the series, this is your guide to transcending the world’s narrow view of women.

Life coach Carol Stewart of Abounding Solutions explains why stereotypes can be so damaging: “[They] can negatively affect our mindset and wellbeing. It can lead to us developing self-limiting beliefs. As a result, we doubt ourselves and our abilities, and think that we are not good enough.”

When you’re steeped in stereotypes and internalising them is as easy as breathing, what can you do? Stewart notes it’s important to “understand and accept that the issue is not you, but systemic discriminatory structures and practices.”

This is especially key in the workplace, where imposter syndrome can strike. Stewart is clear: “Don’t mistake lack of confidence for lack of competence.” Instead, challenge your thoughts. “Separate facts from emotions. Ask yourself what is a more rational and helpful perspective.”

Societal pressures can sap your sense of self-belief. But there are ways to fight back. “Keep a success folder of when you have received praise and recognition. When your confidence dips, take it out and read through them,” Stewart suggests.

Dealing with society’s harmful messages can take a serious toll, so give future you some support. “Develop your self-awareness so you know what the triggers are,” says Stewart. “That way you can put measures in place to prevent your confidence taking such a big knock that it wears you down.”

When it comes to pushing for change, Stewart advises being strategic. She says: “Ask yourself what you can do. Get support if you find it challenging. Recognise you may not be able to change the situation, but you can change how you respond. Choose your ‘battles’ wisely, knowing when to walk away.”

This story was inspired by Archetypes, a new podcast with Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex.

Listen now, only on Spotify.