Social Media

11 Ways To Caption Your 2021 Photo Dump

“OOO till 2022.”

by Kaitlyn Wylde
Young woman walking in the neighborhood wearing a yellow coat with a pink cloth mask.
LeoPatrizi/E+/Getty Images

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While photo dumps might have seemed liked a fleeting trend among the hyper cool, the multi-slide, mood-forward Instagram format is sticking around for the new year. If you have the perfect 2021 photo dump drafted, but don't know what to say, consider these captions.

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2021 Mems

If your dump is a collection of photos from the last year, opt for “mems” in lieu of “memories” for a cool-kid take on the caption.

AleksandarNakic/E+/Getty Images


Hip kids will let emojis to do the talking for them. Pick a relevant one describing the vibe of the collection, or throw your followers off with a festive NYE collection.

Photographer and Illustrator/E+/Getty Images

Swipe For A...

Tease out a photo in your caption by letting your followers know what to expect. Or, tell them to swipe for a surprise and keep it mysterious.

aire images/Moment/Getty Images

One Year In Vibe Checks

If your post is particularly vibe-y — be it a color scheme, palette theme, or apparent mood — call it out in the caption.

Enrique Díaz / 7cero/Moment/Getty Images


Do your photos have a thematic point of view? Too much coffee? Wanderlust? Plant parenthood? Add something specific to describe your photos. (Think, “POV: You learned to cook this year” on a dump of your favorite home-cooked meals from 2021.)

Oleh_Slobodeniuk/E+/Getty Images

Scenes From 2021

Summarize your year with a few snaps that capture the essence of this year — the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Give your photo dump a filmic treatment with this simple caption.

Alex Potemkin/E+/Getty Images

Year In BTS

Some of the most interesting dumps are the unfiltered ones that show what your life is like behind the scenes. Think: a messy desk, an un-made bed, a clothing-spattered bedroom floor.

Pulse/Corbis/Getty Images

Bing Bong!

Nothing says cheers to irreverence like the TikTok-viral catchphrase. This hyperrelevant caption works for any collection of photos, from celebrations to weekend recaps.

fotostorm/E+/Getty Images

2021 Blooper Reel

Whether your photos are funny, messy, or just perfectly candid, this caption pulls them together in a cohesive and relatable way.

AzmanJaka/E+/Getty Images

New Year, New Me

Show off that fire New Year’s Eve outfit with an entire photo dump dedicated to yourself. Include some throwback pictures to give the post some nostalgic texture.

Juan Algar / 500px/500Px Plus/Getty Images

OOO Until 2022

Posting from an end-of-year vacay? Let your friends know you’re too busy with frozen drinks and beach reads to write out a proper caption.