After four and a half long years of rumors, the Fight Club musical is actually happening. The stage production — which many outlets are calling a rock opera — is the product of a supergroup, composed of author Chuck Palahniuk, film director David Fincher, theater director Julie Taymor, and Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor. According to a tweet from podcast host Jeff Goldsmith, the musical will be "an enhanced version of the film." To which I say... hell yes.
The Fight Club rock opera is the latest in a series of multimedia productions based on the 1993 novel and its 1995 film adaptation. Back in May, Palahniuk launched Fight Club 2 : a five-part graphic novel continuation of the now-iconic story. Last month, the author revealed Fight Club for Kids , a comedic take on his hit novel, featuring the founders of "Horsing Around Club."
As of this writing, it's unclear what any of the collaborators' roles — or levels of involvement — will actually be. Palahniuk is writing Fight Club 2 through September, and Fincher is working on HBO's Utopia series. Reznor is a longtime Fincher collaborator, having scored the director's last three films; despite his interest, he was unable to score the 1995 Fight Club film adaptation. Taymor rose to fame for her involvement with the 1997 Lion King stage production, for which she won a Tony Award.
Information is sparing at this time, but I — like most Fight Club fans — have my fingers crossed the project won't slip through the cracks again. For now, stay tuned, send good vibes, and don't talk about it — you don't want to jinx it, after all.
Image: Fox 2000 Pictures