Could This Swimsuit Protect You From Skin Cancer?

At this point, we all know the dangers that come with prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunburns, sun damage, wrinkles, and skin cancer all come with the turf when you spend time outside without slathering on SPF. In response, French designer Marie Spinali is launching a line of anti-sunburn swimwear that will alert its wearers when they're close to burning or need to reapply sunscreen.
Her line, called Spinali Design, features swimsuits with sun sensors that analyze sun exposure based on the owner's skin type. When the person wearing it is in danger of burning or needs to cover up, the swimsuit sends a text message alert to their phone. The line features a mix of swimsuits (mostly bikinis) that start at €150 (about $168).
Spinali's idea for the company came when she saw women getting burnt while tanning on the beach and wanted to put a stop to it. However, dermatologists agree that no amount of tan is a "safe" tan. Although this product is meant to prevent sunburns, it also serves to remind people of the importance of using sunscreen and reapplying regularly.
The designer says her suits are meant to appeal to people in countries like Brazil and Australia, where beaches are everywhere and spending time outdoors is intrinsic to the culture. Increasing education and following sun protection guidelines in areas where tanning is still popular is the first step in reducing skin cancer worldwide.
Image: AFP/YouTube