I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but right here, right now, your life is about to peak. It's literally all downhill from here, after you watch this little girl dance to Aretha Franklin. She has more sass in her pinky toe than the rest of the human race combined, and watching her put it to the test while getting down with her adorable self to "Respect" is probably the fundamentally best experience you are going to have in your whole life. You are not ready for this jelly.
This all went down at a dance recital, which is a nerve wracking enough experience for kids her age. She and her two dance partners can't be any older than kindergarten, and it takes a certain kind of moxie that most full-grown adults don't possess to get up in front of an audience and dance your heart out to one of the most prolific songs of all time. But Johanna, the center of their little trio, is not only unfazed by this feat, but owns it all the way to the very end. Her choreo is flawless, her sass is unworldly, and her confidence is stunning. Petition for this little human to dance at the next Aretha Franklin performance PLEASE:
But you've really seen nothing yet.
BOOM. Later, haters.
This little girl is the epitome of everything great in this world. You have to watch this full performance. Everything that happens in your life after this will be a disappointment in comparison, but it will be worth it, trust me.
Images: YouTube(4)