
Kesha Dyes Hair Slime Yellow & It's Bangin'

by Arielle Dachille

The artist formerly known as Ke-dollar-sign-ha has dyed her hair pretty much every color of the rainbow. She even dyed it every color of the rainbow simultaneously that one time. But fret not, because she's still finding news ways to explore the Pantone wheel with her hair. Kesha dyed her hair slime yellow, and just like every other time she's dipped her toe into the fun-colored-hair pond, she looks pretty damn cool.

Kesha indubitably looked like a faerie princess with her lavender, mint green, and pink hair, and she looked delightfully kitschy with her yellow hair. But I'm particularly digging the slime blonde on her. She released a handful of pictures of herself with the new 'do on Friday, and clearly she's feeling the same sentiment. Her newest shade appears to be a cross between Katy Perry's Nickelodeon slime green hair, and Lady Gaga's acid yellow hair in Telephone. The effect is pretty brilliant, and it looks especially cool when she whips her hair back and forth in the sun. It sort of changes colors like a '90s mood ring, which is a pretty good life goal to set with regard to your hair. May we all be so lucky to have our mane do such things.

Will you ever be as cool as her? You can dream...

Over the past few years, Kesha has dealt with serious stuff, but is making huge personal breakthroughs. It took tremendous courage and resolve to speak out about the alleged sexual abuse that she claims producer Dr. Luke subjected her to. She has also spoken frankly about her eating disorder and her process to getting healthy. Those elements of her life are, obviously, much more significant than hair, but it's pretty amazing to see her coming into her own — beauty-wise and life-wise.

Image: Kesha/ Instagram (2)