The Most '90s Photos Of Hillary Clinton Ever Taken Are Even Better Than Slap Bracelets
I hardly remember life before Hillary Clinton. Well, mostly because that would have been the '80s, and I was a chubby blob who couldn't read for most of that decade. Hillary came into my life during my favorite decade (so far), the '90s, a period of time I get so nostalgic for sometimes, it makes me want to cry and put on Des'ree's "You Gotta Be" to make myself feel better. So when I think back on Hillary Clinton's '90s days as a first lady, I can't help but think of fond memories of Skip-It. They just go hand in hand for me.
Back in the '90s, Hillary was the O.G. ride or die chick. Though I was a bit too young to fully appreciate her, I do remember thinking about the whole Lewinsky thing, "If my husband did that to me, I'd punch him in the head." Watching this regal-looking woman maintain her composure through the whole ordeal blew my young mind.
If I had known about all of Hillary's other accomplishments beside that, like leading the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, her creation of the Office on Violence Against Women, and her famous women's rights speech in Beijing, I probably would have modeled my entire life after her.
But before she became one of the most competent and influential first ladies in U.S. history, and way before she became the presumed Democratic candidate for the next president of the United States, she was a '90s girl like the rest of us (or perhaps our moms). With her boxy shoulders, sky-high helmet bob, and bold red lipstick, she was like a knight in '90s armor. Let's take a trip through the best decade ever and marvel at these pictures of Hillary Clinton looking extremely '90s.
Tartan And Coffee
Just like Biggie, Hillary’s got that red and black lumberjack, with the headband to match.
'90s Hair In Full Force
This photo is adorable, mostly because we’ve all been Chelsea Clinton in that picture at least once in our lives.
Prom Parents
Aw, Bill and Hillary lookin’ like America’s cutest prom chaperones.
Sharon Stone, Is That You?
Two things: Hillary could be Sharon Stone’s twin here. And can we talk about that mock turtleneck lace dress?
Big Hair, Don't Care
Is it weird that this is how I dress today?
Taking Aim
“Whoomp, there it is!”
Matching Her Dress To Her Lipstick
Fun fact: “Lady in Red” was written about Hillary after this night. Maybe.
Skirt Suitin'
I think my mom had that exact same skirt suit, and I had that exact same flower dress because I pretty much wanted to be Blossom.
During Her Beijing Talk On Women's Rights
This is Hillary delivering her watershed speech on women’s rights. What I would give to have been in that audience, in complete awe of her inspiring words and… that suit.
'90s Pants
Hillary does normcore so effortlessly.
That Mint Dress
Only Hillary can pull of that shade of mint. Hillary, and maybe the green Powerpuff Girl.
Puffed Up
I think every family in America has a picture like this — where everyone is bundled up in puffy winter gear and looking really angry at life.
Just Like Cher Horowitz
“You’ve never seen Clueless?!”
...This Dress
I will scour the vintage stores of America to find that gold-embroidered dress.
Headbands Aplenty
Before there was Blair Waldorf, there was Hillary Clinton.
Here’s Hillary looking like the love interest in a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie (that’s a compliment).
The Ultimate '90s Power Couple
Hillary and Bill look like the picture of ’90s happiness. So basically, a chewing gum commercial.
Still Rocking That Quiff
“What happened on Full House last night? Give me the scoop.”
Major Stud Earrings
Red lipstick, ’90s cowlick, big stud earrings. These are, coincidentally, all trends that can be seen on Forever 21 models this season.
Still Loving The Big Hair
That hair, though.
Another '90s Power Couple
Oprah: “$1 million says I’ll have my own network before you become president.”
Hillary: “You’re on.”
(It’s unclear whether Oprah actually coughed up the million dollars.)