8 Organic, Affordable, and Completely Precious Etsy Beauty Shops
I have kind of a major secret to share with you. The only reason it's even a secret is because we're all so susceptible to brands, marketing, and visuals, and so when I say "mascara," you say "Maybelline!" But I like you, I really do, so listen up: Etsy is bursting with the most adorable, well-meaning, organic, handmade, hand-harvested, passionate little indie beauty shops. And their prices are insane: a toner for $5? An organic eye cream for $9? You won't find prices this cheap outside of evil mega-stores like Walmart.
I really love the idea that applying body lotion or smoothing on a clay mask should be a quiet, personal, beautiful little ritual. So when the mask in question was made by a woman who picks and dries her own herbs, then mixes them carefully with gentle clays and essential oils? Swoon.
About the shop: GingerChi is a sweet shop based in New York that donates a portion of all sales to causes that support women and the environment. Their cleansers, serums, and scrubs are loaded with fantastic oils, and as the name implies, ginger stars in many of their products. There's not a chemical or artificial additive in sight.
A fantastic deal: Lavender Ginger Peppermint Stimulating Bath & Shower Oil, $15
I've got my eye on: This purifying facial cleanser with ginger and camellia oil.
Green Springs Body Work
About the shop: Hailing from Oregon, the birthplace of all that is organic and good in this world, Green Springs Body Work specializes in soothing body salves, hydrosols, and these amazing creams that Jo, the owner, calls "face food."
A fantastic deal: Queen of Hungary Astringent toner, $10
I've got my eye on: Rose face food, duh.
Rainwater Botanicals
About the shop: From balm for your recent tattoo to serum for a scar, Rainwater Botanicals just wants to make you feel better. They especially love this soothing herb called comfrey, and their skincare is divided into two categories: products for troubled skin and products to nourish skin. Aw.
A fantastic deal: Healing Earth Facial Soap, $5.50
I've got my eye on: This lightweight lotion for sensitive skin with lavender, rose, hibiscus, and argan oil.
Phoenix Botanicals
About the shop: Irina, the owner of Phoenix Botanicals, spends her days doing things like picking wild rose petals during the Solstice. She then infuses the roses in vodka to make an elixir that wakes you up, grounds you, and brings you mental clarity. Yeah, I want to be her friend.
A fantastic deal: Phoenix Eyes, $9
I've got my eye on: A "mugwort" dream pillow designed to intensify dreams and increase intuition.
About the shop: good4you is, quite simply, the most adorable thing you will see all day. The owner, Jes, does all the artwork for her products, which range from floral waters to shimmer salves to herbal tea baths. She also bicycles the packages to the post office. And lives in Cape Cod.
A fantastic deal: Lavender Monster Mask, $10
I've got my eye on: This yarrow floral water/toner... that she harvested with her soulmate. Dying!
Skin Apotheke
About the shop: Skin Apotheke is a bit more intense than the other shops here; its offerings are all based on Ayurvedic principles from India. The prices are a bit higher, and the ingredients may be a bit unfamiliar to Western minds, but they work... just read some of the shop's glowing reviews.
A fantastic deal: Superfood Radiance Serum (with acai, strawberries, and blueberries), $19
I have my eye on: a pre-shampoo mask designed to be mixed with egg or yogurt! Too cool.
The Indulgent Apothecary
About the shop: The Indulgent Apothecary is an extremely affordable natural beauty shop in Pennsylvania with sweet-scented, natural lotions and body/hair sprays, many of which are under $10.
A fantastic deal: Patchouli Skin Conditioner, $5
I've got my eye on: This "Four Thieves" facial spray for four dollars that's based on an antibacterial spray used during the bubonic plague.
Pollen and Wax
About the shop: This may be my favorite of the bunch. The natural ingredients are fantastically unexpected (expect things like sea buckthorn and tamanu), and the shop itself is gorgeously put together. Pollen and Wax is very new (just opened in May!) so get over there before everybody else finds out about it.
A fantastic deal: FRESH Deodorant Cream, $14
I've got my eye on: A "Gold Petal" serum full of incredible herbs.